Thursday, August 27, 2020
Peanut Butter As A Healthy Food Choice Health Essay Free Essays
These words may help you to remember the commended quote from ‘The Godfather ‘ , yet trust me companions, these are really my sentiments when I discussion of the advantages of doing inconsequential spread An a segment of your everyday eating regimen. Nutty spread has ever been into our kitchen either doing its way through the yummilicious peanut spread sandwiches or through increasingly advanced dishes like pasta or plate of mixed greens. The nutritionary estimation of the nutty spread can be assessed by the way that it is even utilized as a base exigency supplement for deficiency harassed states because of its high fat and protein content. We will compose a custom article test on Nutty spread As A Healthy Food Choice Health Essay or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now Be that as it may, you have caught wind of it consolidating concentrated fats.Then how unequivocally does nutty spread fits into the class of a sound supplement pick, you may ask! All things considered, here are a portion of the realities recorded about the nutritionary estimation of nutty spread that will turn you intoA an eating up aficionado of irrelevant margarine: A I Peanut margarine is a truly elevated caloric, yet extremely sound supplement. One aiding ( around 2 tablespoons ) of nutty spread contains: Protein ( 8 g ) , Fiber ( 2g ) , nutrient ( 2mg ) , Ca ( .04g ) , thiamen ( .04g ) also, Cu ( .17mg ) . A A I Protects against high danger of cardiovascular infection because of high degrees of monosaturated fats and resveratrol.Resveratrol is said to consolidate the antibacterial and antimicrobic characteristics in it. I Over the mature ages, numerous surveies done have indicated that individuals with customary utilization of A nutty spread in their weight control plans are more averse to create chest illness or Type2 diabetes. A I When taken on a normal balance, secures against Alzheimer infection and development of gallstones.In add-on to it, nutty spread contains further extent of cancer prevention agents than present in An apple or carrots. I A Contains dietetic fiber upto 8 % which is known to chop down the glucose degree what's more decreases the risk of colorectal threatening neoplastic ailment ( one of the haunting infections doing numerous An expires in states like U.S. ) . I Vitamin B3 contained in it is referred to for its advantages, for example, helping in the recuperation of cellA DNA hurt and legitimate activity of sex assortment meats by doing the best possible secernment of sexual endocrines. I Rich start of K and Ca providing benefits like hypertension decline, solid castanetss and abatement of musculus cramps. Alright, I know, presently you can scarcely resistA yourself from ingurgitating into a wide range of nutty spread dishes! ! In any case, do one thing sure, that in the event that you are susceptible to the nutty spread, so consult with your doctor before doing it a segment of your eating regimen. In this way, as Channing Pollock has said â€Å" No grown-up male known to mankind has more fortitude than the grown-up male who can end in the wake of eating one nut â€Å" , I get it is smarter to state since no grown-up male can stop himself from doing irrelevant margarine a bit of their everyday eating routine! ! Article No-2 †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††Title A - An A Best vegan beginnings of omega3 unsaturated fats â€Å" All energize creatures are my companions and I do n’t eat my companions! †George Bernard Shaw. Truly, you are a genuine truster in these thoughts on vegetarianismA and you ought to be glad for yourself that you have embraced a solid supplement wont. In any case, you dread that you may be without the vital minerals that are a worked in part of a non vegan diet. In the event that u are a newly changed over veggie lover, such huge numbers of perceptual encounters may be at that place in your mind about the nutritionary estimation of a vegetable eating regimen. One of the most wrongly detected impression being that aA veggie lover diet can non flexibly you with the addendums of minerals asA of import as omega 3 unsaturated fats. Presently the request emerges with regards to what definitely are omega 3 unsaturated fats and for what reason would they say they are so of import to human wellbeing? Indeed, to get down with, omega 3 unsaturated fats are the crucial unsaturated fats essential for human health yet the natural structure can't integrate them.You need to obtain them through supplement beginnings. Omega 3 unsaturated fats chop down the opportunity of chest illness, dangerous neoplastic sickness, joint pain and other dreadful maladies. They are of import for intellectual ( encephalon related maps ) and social maps. Two kinds of omega 3 unsaturated fats are available: Ala and DHA.The natural structure essentially changes over ALA to DHA. Absence of omega 3 in our natural structure can do exhaustion, hapless memory, chest employments, dry covering, gloom What's more, different wellbeing employments. Is vegan diet lacking in omega 3 unsaturated fats? A Fish and other non veg abstains from food should be wealthy in these sort of unsaturated fats which makes the reason more grounded that veggie lover diet is deficient in these acids. One thing must be clarified in your mind that there is no such food which isA basic for human health and is non present in a veg diet. Infact, vegan diet is the most extravagant start of omega 3 unsaturated fats. An A Vegetarian beginnings of omega 3 unsaturated fats: : 1.A An A Flaxseed oil contains extraordinary aggregates of omega 3 unsaturated fats. In add-on to it, it other than contains the upsides of strands and lignans useful for wellbeing. 2.A An A Hemp seeds contains great parity of omega 3 and omega 6 unsaturated fats and significant entireties of GLA as of now. 3.A An Organic milk is said to consolidate 60-70 % further extent of ALA ( kind of omega 3 ) in it than a standard milk. 4.A An Omega-3 unsaturated fats can be found in littler measures in nuts, seeds, and soy stocks, each piece great as beans, veggies, and entire grains. 5.A An A Walnuts and soyabeans other than contain great aggregate of omega 3 unsaturated fats important for health. 6.A An A Leafy green veggies contain right whole of omega 3 each piece great as omega 6 in them.Regular utilization of green verdant veggies guarantees gracefully of omega 3 in your natural structure. 7.A An A Pumpkin seeds and supplement cooked in olive oil other than are acceptable addendums of omega 3 unsaturated fats. A It is sensibly simple for everybody eating up a reasonable eating regimen to run into the Institute of Medicine ( IOM ) suggestions for Omega 3 acids utilization. An ordinary adult eating up 2000 Calories for every twenty-four hours would require about 1.3 †2.7 gms ALA per twenty-four hours ; bing around one-fourth of a teaspoon of flax seed oil, not exactly a tablespoon of pecans or 1.3 tablespoons of soybean oil. A Thusly, a solid adjusted veggie lover diet is extremely far-fetched to be deficient in omega 3 unsaturated fats. A So following clasp when you are eating your vegetable supplement and individual calls attention to that it is non as wealthy in nourishments as a non veggie lover diet, give them an infiltration into the advantages of the vegan diet and experience pleased to be a veggie lover! A Article No-3 ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††Title A - An A Taking multivitamins without a remedy can take to wellbeing occupations. â€Å" All medications are toxicants, the advantages relies upon the portion. †History has ever instructed us that the best clinical claim to fame is to take no clinical strength, however as the human tendency seems to be, we do n’t larn anything from our past.The same thing applies when we take a gander at the current inclination of trusting on the multivitamins and outer addendums by ordinary citizens. A Why multivitamins are of import? ? A In a perfect world, universes should An obtain A totally nutritious eating regimens plentiful in protein, nutrients and minerals. An A But the truth of the matter is, a great many people do non run into each of the An ofA their nutritionary requests through their supplement. An As a result, a significant number of us depend on multivitamins and addendums to achieve A total sustenance. No undertaking how unfortunate our eating regimen is, we ever attempt to do available through outside supplements.We feel that we can escape the illeffects brought about by flotsam and jetsam supplement through these addendums. The enormous request emerges that would we be able to hop our everyday helpings of leafy foods Furthermore, take a nutrient addendum on the other hand? Tragically, the answer is, no. Albeit a constrained total of multivitamins inside the medicine of a doctor can help you determine the advantages of these addendums however the existent risk emerges when individuals play with their life by taking these multivitamins with no medicine. A Taking multivitamins without remedy A The most exceedingly awful thing you could make to your natural structure is to do it acclimated of outside addendums. Lamentably, these yearss the vast majority of the individuals around the universe are making the equivalent for the sake of better wellbeing and wholesome flexibly to the natural structure. Indeed, even the producers of these addendums make bogus cases about these multivitamins being with no reactions yet the picture is non each piece rose-shaded as they guarantee. A While they contain great fixings, in all actuality when taken in extra, these multivitamins are non consumed by the natural structu
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The English and French Revolutions essays
The English and French Revolutions expositions A great many upheavals have occurred since the commencement of the world. These upheavals have changed the legislative issues, history, and every single other aspect of human progress of specific gatherings. Most insurgencies follow an essential set equation of occasions: a pioneer is ousted, radical and fanatic gatherings take control for a while, and afterward the legislature is in the long run reestablished to it's unique state. Both the English and French Revolutions followed this fundamental recipe with different contrasts en route. The English Revolution which occurred in the seventeenth century, and the French Revolution, which occurred in the late eighteenth century to mid nineteenth century, both offer numerous similitudes and contrasts with each other. One comparability of the two upheavals was the causes: money related issues. Both King Charles I and Louis XVI were encountering obligation in view of budgetary issues deserted from past rulers. The two rulers put the extraordinary taxation rates on the effectively poor laborers which further maddened and abused them. The two lords needed to bring on Parliament and the Estates General to raise income. Both rulers endeavored to utilize power to keep up their capacity however inevitably lost to the liberal individuals who needed a transformed government. The radical time of both the English and French Revolutions France, who set up an authoritarian military state. Ultimately, both the English and French needed to complete two endeavors at setting up a sacred government to at last have a steady, enduring government. In both the English and French Revolutions the ruler was the foundation being rebelled against. In the English upset it was a greater amount of the Parliament opposing the government though in the French Revolution the laborers were the most grounded and most persuaded factors for change. In the two upsets the administrative body gave some type of an announcement for essential human rights. In England, nonetheless, their ... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Easy Essay Topics For College
Easy Essay Topics For CollegeWhen choosing easy essay topics for college, you must find topics that are both interesting and relevant to the topic. You should think about what people have told you about this subject and also choose topics that are not as intimidating as possible. If you want to write a successful essay, the first thing you must do is plan your topic carefully.With some research and some hard work you can start writing your essay, but with the right topic you can be well on your way to writing a very impressive college essay. Here are some easy essay topics for college that you can consider for your assignment.For college students, there are so many different types of essay topics, but all types fall into one of four categories: historical, personal, topical, or representative. By examining your interests, and finding commonalities with the topics in this category, you can use these commonalities to bring attention to your own personal opinion. Use a thesis statement at the beginning of your essay, and then follow it up with supporting evidence from a biography, photo, or other source. Finally, include an appendix that contains additional facts that support your argument.Easy essay topics for college that fall into the personal category may deal with school experiences, such as hobbies or sports. An example of this type of essay topic might be: 'My favorite hobby is playing volleyball with my friends. I am a great athlete and would enjoy a scholarship to play college volleyball.'A very common topic is the history, which will include events like Civil War battles and famous figures. Remember that you can always include your own opinions on the subject if you want to, just make sure that they are clearly stated in your essay. You can also include information about the events in the past that have had a profound effect on your life.Someeasy essay topics for college will focus on the political and social context of today's society. If you have polit ical views and would like to express them, look for a topic that you are passionate about. Another example of this type of essay topic would be: 'The type of world I live in makes me a moral person. The American politicians have been to the right of the political spectrum, but have started to move to the left in recent years.'Common, easy essay topics for college topic that involves famous people is celebrities. If you would like to write an essay on a famous person, you can look up their biography and see how you relate to the subject. This example of an easy essay topic would be: 'Tina Fey is a very funny comedian and has made her career as a comedian.Speaking of celebrities, an interesting topic to write about is science and education. For example, if you are a parent and would like to write about education, then look for subjects that are related to your experience with your children.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Black Culture And Issues Within The Media - 1625 Words
There have been countless shows on television that have had a focus on black culture and issues within the community. The Television shows Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Black-ish bring to light and successfully decode the 20th to 21st century race issues, specifically black male issues that have not been adequately dealt with in the mainstream media. Mainstream television has had black characters and have covered black issues, but they often have characters that fit and fuel stereotypes about the black male. These characters are sometimes portrayed similar to what is seen in public or in the news such as gangsters and absent fathers. In the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, the Banks family is an upper middle class family and Will Smith is an athletic, young black male, while Carlton Banks is an intelligent young black male. This challenges the way that black males are often represented on television. In Black-Ish, the show is able to tackle the misrepresentation and stereotypes surrounding bl ack males as well as the community, through dialogue about things that are not usually talked about. Black-Ish is able to present these issues in a non-confrontational fashion, making the issues accessible to people outside the black community and successfully increasing awareness and understanding. By analyzing the casting as well as representation of black male characters in Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and dialogue in Black-Ish, as well as blatant misrepresentation of black males in Friday NightShow MoreRelatedMedia Effects Body Image1656 Words  | 7 PagesApril 6, 2014 The Effects of Mass Media on African American Women Body Images Over the past 10 years, mass media and the access to social networks has evolved substantially causing the effects of negative self-image and what is considered beautiful. Body image expectations for both African-American male and female share the battles of society’s expectations, yet African American women body images come with a stricter and more unhealthy stigma; growth of social media such as Facebook, Instagram andRead MoreBlack Press : Soldiers Without Swords991 Words  | 4 PagesThe Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords detailed the dynamic history of African-American media in the United States. Newspapers created community amongst Black Americans by connecting stories of Black life across the country, and allowed Black people the freedom to express themselves politically and socially through their own words, as opposed to White people telling them how they should feel. The story of the Black press as newspaper print faded before the end of the century, but Black p ress asRead MoreThe Beliefs Of Misconceptions And Gender, Race, And Sexuality1472 Words  | 6 Pagesgroups’ underlying different issues mostly affecting African Americans. These issues highlighted by Collins include, â€Å"a set of ideas and social practices shaped by gender, race, and sexuality that frame Black men and women’s treatment of one another, as well as how African Americans are perceived and treated by others†(p.7). These ideas encapsulate a false understanding of the issues surrounding the persecutions the black community undergoes frequent. The notion of Black sexual politics addresses manyRead MoreWhat s Black, Then White, And Said All Over?957 Words  | 4 Pageswell-known fact that technology and media outlets today play a major role in a person’s life. Generally, a person has access to the media through cellphones, computers, radios in a car and television. It may be perceived by some, even within a technologically advanced socie ty such as America, that media has no effect upon enhancing cultural relationships, though many social networks do indeed connect cultures. Media and technology give people access to various cultures at an efficient and acceleratedRead MoreRace Is a Significant Factor in Identification of Individuals and Groups1493 Words  | 6 Pagesdemographic factors is a significant vehicle for the identification. The acceptation and/or toleration of specific races within society have been through and continue to go through an evolutionary process. The idea of a post-racial society revolves around the ideology that the success point has been reached between â€Å"us and them†. Equality between races has become legislative law within the Charter of Human Rights and Freedom, which means the battle is over. This fantasy mentality is due the naturalizedRead MoreNative Son Racism Essay724 Words  | 3 PagesWright’s novel, Native Son, addresses racial issues within the society through the character of Bigger Thomas. Bigger Thomas is a young black man living in the Chicago area in the 1930’s where he is hired as a chauffeur by a white family, the Dalton’s. As a black man, Bigger has a prominent feeling of anxiety and fear about everything that he does around white people, which is instilled in him from the medias racial opinions. The frequent use of media throughout the novel illuminates the prejudicesRead MoreThe Acquittal Of George Zimmerman For The Death Of Trayvon Martin1404 Words  | 6 Pageswith other friends they shared their experiences and stories on other social media platforms and subsequently created a socio-political campaign. Soon it became a powerful force of hashtag activism that is now an international movement that has more than 26 chapters globally. According to it founders the activist movement follows guiding principles that support â€Å"an ideological and political intervention in a world where black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.†It was theRead MoreEssay about Disproportionate Minority Contact1071 Words  | 5 Pagesdisparate treatment within the prosecutor’s office? Although police and prosecutors may contend that discrimination does not occur within their agency but that does not mean discrimination doesn’t occur. The facts show that minorities are targeted much more than whites. There are many factors that contribute to this. I don’t believe it is any one agency that specifically targets minorities but rather the criminal justice system as a whole. The interplay between the media, the criminal justiceRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Blaxploitation Films And Chappelle s Show 1633 Words  | 7 PagesWeekly Writing 3 Throughout history, American society has famously taken advantage of non-European cultures and traditions for their own entertainment. Major media companies, colleges, and athletic organizations have famously exploited the cultures and stereotypes of Native American’s and African Americans for the sole purpose of profit and increased entertainment value. In American society, there has been the era of â€Å"Blaxploitation films†in which African American’s society was shown through raunchyRead MoreBeauty Between Beauty And Beauty1140 Words  | 5 PagesBeauty has become a major topic in our society for quite some time. This has led it to become regarded as important and an ongoing issue. Beauty is depicted based on how it is perceived by a certain class, race, and gender. Eventually changing the definition of how beauty is viewed. Beauty however, has become more important to women as majority research focuses on gender difference and the experience of physical attractiveness (Poran 2002). Since the early centuries, there have been numerous attempts
Friday, May 15, 2020
Upside-Down Question and Exclamation Marks in Spanish
The upside-down or inverted question marks and exclamation points of Spanish are unique to the languages of Spain. But they make a lot of sense: When youre reading in Spanish, you can tell long before the end of a sentence whether youre dealing with a question, something that isnt always obvious when a sentence doesnt start with a question word such as quà © (what) or quià ©n (who). Where To Place Upside-Down Question Marks The important thing to remember is that the inverted question mark (or exclamation) goes at the beginning part of the question (or exclamation), not at the beginning of the sentence if the two are different. See these examples: Pablo,  ¿adà ³nde vas? (Pablo, where are you going?)Quiero saber,  ¿cuà ¡ndo es tu cumpleaà ±os? (I want to know, when is your birthday?)Estoy cansado,  ¿y tà º? (Im tired, are you?)Eso,  ¿es verdad? (That, is it true?)Sin embargo,  ¡tengo frà o! (Nevertheless, Im cold!)Pues,  ¡llegà ³ la hora! (Well, its about time!) Note that the question or exclamation part does not begin with a capitalized letter unless its a word that would normally be capitalized, such as a persons name. Note also that if words not part of the question come after the question, then the closing question mark still comes at the end:  ¿Adà ³nde vas, Pablo? (Where are you going, Pablo?)Pablo,  ¿adà ³nde vas, mi amigo? (Pablo, where are you going, my friend?) ¡Eres la mejor, Angelina! (Youre the best, Angelina!) Although it is common to treat the inverted punctuation as optional in informal contexts, such as on social media, it is mandatory in standard written Spanish. Question and Exclamation Marks Can Be Combined If a sentence is a question and an exclamation at the same time, something for which the English language has no good written equivalent, it is possible to combine the question and exclamation marks. One way is to place the inverted question mark at the beginning of the sentence and the standard exclamation mark at the end or vice versa. More common, and the preference of the Royal Spanish Academy, is to place the punctuation marks next to each other as in the third and fourth examples below:  ¿Cà ³mo lo hace! (How does she do it? To translate the Spanish well, this might be said in an incredulous tone. An alternate translation might be I dont see how she does it!) ¡Me quieres? (You love me? The punctuation may indicate a lack of belief in what is being responded to.) ¡Ã‚ ¿Quà © veste?! (What are you seeing? The tone of voice may suggest What in the world do you see?) ¿Ã‚ ¡Quà © està ¡s diciendo!? (What are you saying? The tone of voice may indicate disbelief.) To indicate an extremely strong exclamation, it is acceptable, unlike in standard English, to use two or three exclamation points but not more:  ¡Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ¡Idiota!!! (Idiot!)Es imposible.  ¡Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ¡No lo creo.!!! (Its impossible. I cant believe it!) Word Order in Questions Most questions begin with an interrogative pronoun such as quà ©Ã‚ or an interrogative adverb such as cà ³mo. In nearly all such cases, the opening question word is followed by the verb and then the subject, which will be a noun or pronoun. Of course, it is common to omit the subject if it isnt needed for clarity.  ¿Dà ³nde jugarà an los nià ±os? (Where would the children play? Dà ³nde is the interrogative adverb, jugarà an is the verb, and the subject is nià ±os.) ¿Quà © significa tu nombre? (What does your name mean?) ¿Cà ³mo comen los insectos? (How do insects eat?) If the verb has an direct object and the subject is not stated, the object typically comes before the verb if it would in the equivalent English sentence:  ¿Cuà ¡ntos insectos comià ³ la araà ±a? (How many insects did the spider eat? Insectos is the direct object of comià ³.) ¿Quà © tipo de celular prefieres? (Which type of cellphone do you prefer? Tipo de celular is the direct object of prefieres.) ¿Dà ³nde venden ropa guatemalteca? (Where do they sell Guatemalan clothing. Ropa guatemalteca is the direct object of venden.) If the question has a stated subject and an object, it is common to use a verb-object-subject word order if the object is shorter than the subject and a verb-subject-object order if the subject is shorter. If theyre of similar length, either order is acceptable.  ¿Dà ³nde venden ropa los mejores diseà ±adores de moda? (Do the best fashion designers sell clothing? The subject, los mejores diseà ±adores de moda, is much longer than the object, ropa.) ¿Dà ³nde compran los estudiantes los libros de quà mica farmacà ©utica? (Where do the students buy the pharmaceutical chemistry books? The subject, los estudiantes, is shorter than the object, los libros de quà mica farmacà ©utica.) Key Takeaways Spanish uses inverted question and exclamation marks to begin and end questions and exclamations, respectively.If a sentence has an introductory phrase or word that is not part of the question or exclamation, the opening mark comes at the beginning of the question or exclamation.Question and exclamation marks can be combined for exclamatory questions or exclamations that take the form of a question.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1592 Words
We all need a little change in our lives. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee wants just that. Lee wants to change some political and social norms and she projects this change in a fictional southern town in Maycomb, Alabama circa 1930s. This tiny town is like it’s own little world; no one really comes in and no one really leaves. The one issue that Lee points out about this town is racism and judgement. Maycomb is a racially divided town. Atticus Finch, our main character’s father, is one of the rare people of the town that doesn’t let the racism of the town get to him. Atticus is all for equality on both side of the picture. That is why he is such a known lawyer. Lee also used literary devices and terms to prove her points and better her writing throughout the novel. A few things Lee wants to change for the better are racism and equality, fairness, and not judging a book by it’s cover. Maycomb may be a small town, but as a result, it’s a racial town as well. Since the town is divided, people see racism everyday. That’s why when it came to Tom Robinson’s case, they chose Atticus to represent Tom. Tom Robinson is a black man who was said to sexually assault Mr. Bob Ewell’s daughter, Mayella, even though Tom was crippled from an accident as a child. â€Å"In our courts, when it s a white man s word against a black man s, the white man always wins. They re ugly, but those are the facts of life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ said Atticus while he was explaining what had happened toShow MoreRelatedKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1049 Words  | 5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: How a Story could be based on True Events in Everyday LifeDaisy GaskinsCoastal Pines Technical Collegeâ€Æ'Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a former newspaper editor and proprietor, who had served as a state senator and practiced as a lawyer in Monroeville. Also Finch was known as the maiden name of Lee’s mother. With that being said Harper Lee became a writer like her father, but she became a American writer, famous for her race relations novel â€Å"ToRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee1000 Words  | 4 Pagesworld-wide recognition to the many faces of prejudice is an accomplishment of its own. Author Harper Lee has had the honor to accomplish just that through her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a moving and inspirational story about a young girl learning the difference between the good and the bad of the world. In the small town of Monroeville, Alabama, Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926. Growing up, Harper Lee had three siblings: two sisters and an older brother. She and her siblings grew up modestlyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee873 Words  | 4 PagesIn the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates that â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†throughout the novel by writing innocent characters that have been harmed by evil. Tom Robinson’s persecution is a symbol for the death of a mockingbird. The hunters shooting the bird would in this case be the Maycomb County folk. Lee sets the time in the story in the early 1950s, when the Great Depression was going on and there was poverty everywhere. The mindset of people back then was that blackRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1290 Words  | 6 PagesHarper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird during a rough period in American history, also known as the Civil Rights Movement. This plot dives into the social issues faced by African-Americans in the south, like Tom Robinson. Lee felt that the unfair treatment towards blacks were persistent, not coming to an end any time in the foreseeable future. This dark movement drove her to publish this novel hopeful that it would encourage the society to realize that the harsh racism must stop. Lee effectivelyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee963 Words  | 4 Pagesgrowing up, when older characters give advice to children or siblings.Growing up is used frequently in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Harper Lee uses the theme growing up in To Kill a Mockingbird to change characters opinion, develop characters through their world, and utilizes prejudice to reveal growing up. One major cause growing up is used in To Kill a Mockingbird is to represent a change of opinion. One part growing up was shown in is through the trial in part two of the novelRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1052 Words  | 5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama in the late 30s early 40s , after the great depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread throughout the United States. Why is the preconception of racism, discrimination, and antagonism so highly related to some of the characters in this book? People often have a preconceived idea or are biased about one’s decision to live, dress, or talk. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee examines the preconceptionRead MoreHarper Lee and to Kill a Mockingbird931 Words  | 4 PagesHarper Lee and her Works Harper Lee knew first hand about the life in the south in the 1930s. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 (Castleman 2). Harper Lee was described by one of her friends as Queen of the Tomboys (Castleman 3). Scout Finch, the main character of Lees Novel, To Kill a Mockinbird, was also a tomboy. Many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird are autobiographical (Castleman 3). Harper Lees parents were Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. She was the youngestRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1695 Words  | 7 PagesIn To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee presents as a ‘tired old town’ where the inhabitants have ‘nowhere to go’ it is set in the 1930s when prejudices and racism were at a peak. Lee uses Maycomb town to highlight prejudices, racism, poverty and social inequality. In chapter 2 Lee presents the town of Maycomb to be poverty stricken, emphasised through the characterisation of Walter Cunningham. When it is discovered he has no lunch on the first day of school, Scout tries to explain the situation to MissRead MoreKill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee1197 Words  | 5 Pagessuch as crops, houses, and land, and money was awfully limited. These conflicts construct Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, Lee establishes the concurrence of good and evil, meaning whether people are naturally good or naturally evil. Lee uses symbolism, characterization, and plot to portray the instinctive of good and evil. To Kill a Mocking Bird, a novel by Harper Lee takes place during the 1930s in the Southern United States. The protagonist, Scout Finch,Read MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1876 Words  | 8 PagesThough Harper Lee only published two novels, her accomplishments are abundant. Throughout her career Lee claimed: the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Goodreads Choice Awards Best Fiction, and Quill Award for Audio Book. Lee was also inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. This honor society is a huge accomplishment and is considered the highest recognition for artistic talent and accomplishment in the United States. Along with these accomplishments, her
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic International Business Management A Case Study of Hays
Question: Describe about the Strategic International Business Management, a Case Study of Hays? Answer: Introduction Expanding into foreign countries is one of the widely used strategies that business organizations implement for further growth. Organizations generally plan their international or global expansions in such a way that that an actual operational presence can be maintained in those countries (Yu, 2012). The key to such international expansions lie in selecting an appropriate market for the expansion, besides implementing strategies to draw the attention of the target customers of that market. This study firmly focuses on analyzing the strategy for expending the business in foreign market with a special case study to Hays. However, this study aims to explain the selection of target market and the macro environmental factors for the selected market. In addition to this, the report also provides information regarding the threats and opportunity for expanding into the selected market (India) besides recommending the market entry strategy for Hays. 1. Identifying potentially attractive target market 2. Rationale for choosing the market In order to decide on the target market for the future international expansion of Hays, five countries had been chosen, namely Argentina, India, Kenya, Norway and Thailand. After considering various matrices, like that of the GINI index, the WEF reports on the global competitive index, the corruption index and the various economic factors of the said countries (provided in appendix), we have come to the conclusion that at present, India should be considered as the most attractive target market for Hays (, 2015). India is the largest democracy of the world: a federal system of governance runs the country. As in most democracies, each government decision depends upon several political factors: hence the decisions taken by the national government are generally based on the agendas of the ruling party (Malhotra, 2014). For the last few decades, the political condition of the country has been quite stable, a fact that encourages foreign investments in the industries of the country (Desai and Garozzo, 2011). Last but not the least, the government of India encourages such investments in all industrial sectors f the nation. At present, the GDP of the country is approximately 6.3 % and the Indians ranks 3 in the list of the countries having the most purchasing powers. The liberal foreign capital policy, along with the reduction of the requisites for trade licensing has been influential in the growth of this economy (, 2015). A notable point is that the India economy is quite strong and is not affected much by the recession of the western countries. The Indian society is closely tied to the family values: family is one of the most important factors to the Indians (Kumar et al. 2014). Since the number of aged people in the country is increasing steadily, the Indian families tend to spend large quantities on the treatment and other requirements of the aged persons of the families. Besides this, in spite of education being quite expensive, Indian families emphasize much on the education of their children (Mishra, 2013). On the other hand, in spite of having a large skilled young workforce, the market is not able to provide suitable employment to them (, 2015). The ever-increasing expenses and the unavailability of suitable jobs are influencing the Indian youth to search for highly paid jobs outside the country. Political: Largest democracy Federal government Stable political scenario Business environment controlled by various political factors Government encourages industrial investment Economical: Growing economy, current GDP of 6.3 % approximately. 3rd highest GDP in terms of purchasing power of citizens Well developed taxation system Reduced industrial licensing Liberal foreign capital policy 100 percent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) allowed Strong economy, little effect of western recession (Godwin, Kalapana and Valli, 2013) Social: Aging population Rise in aged employment High family values Educated and skilled young workforce Underemployed youths High demand for onshore employment Technological: Rise of the IT industry due to skilled workforce Steady growth of technical research and development area Self sufficient power sector Legal: Strong legal system Utilizes International Trade regulations Policies for minimum wage increase, discrimination against disables, discrimination against gender etc Environmental: Rapid urbanization leading to large scale pollution Depletion of natural resources Figure 1: PESTLE analysis of India (Source: Parikh and Gabbad, 2014) In the last few years, the county has also made much development in the technical and legal domains: both these factors now act as strong pillars of the economy. Thus, it can be said that at present, India appears to be the most suitable market in which the organization s like Hays can expand their business to. 3.Key strategic issues the firm faces in expanding in the Indian market 3.1. The opportunities and the threats 3.1.1 Opportunities: At present, the following factors can be considered as the opportunities to the organization: Less competition in the market: Although several local and national-level human-resource recruiting organizations exist in the Indian market, no globally accepted brand is operating in the nation as of now (Haider and Dutta, 2012). Thus, Hays Specialist Recruitment, being the first globally acclaimed recruiter to introduce their operations in the market, could utilize this void to the fullest. Latest trend of seeking jobs in the Europe Union: The reports by the World Bank indicate that the unemployed or underemployed youths of India as a whole are targeting the positions or vacancies available at the European Union (Khan, 2015). Hays, being world famous name for providing employment in the United Kingdom, would naturally be their first choice (Solutions, 2015). High Unemployment rate: The unemployment rate of India is quite high in comparison to the GDP of the country (BBC News, 2015). Fast development: India is developing fast as far as technological advancements are concerned. Skilled workforce: The standard of education is quite high: thus, skilled workforce is available in the market. Demand for employment in the European Union: Most of the educated and skilled youths of the country either is unemployed or is under employed: thus, there exists a trend of searching for jobs outside the country (Rakhman, 2016). However, most of the job seekers are looking for opportunities that would provide them with higher financial benefits 3.1.2. Threats: At present, the following factors can be considered as the opportunities to the organization: The emergence of new competitors in the market: Local or national level recruiting organizations might emerge in the market and offer services at rates lower than that of Hays. Such organizations, can thus pose threats to the business of the organization. The condition of the economy of the United Kingdom: The current condition of the European economy is not very stable: besides this the Hays depends entirely on the western economy and would be largely affected by the recession prevalent in the west (Razghandi, Hashim and Mohammadi, 2012). Strength 1. The brand name 2. Management experienced in global operations; operates across 33 countries in the world, provides employment to around 8000 workers. 3. Long industry experiences 4. Business concentrated on recruitment 5. Large market share 6. Growth in revenue collection Weakness 1. Still not established across all emerging economies of the world 2. Late entry in the Asian subcontinent Opportunities 1. Less competition in the market 2. Latest trend of seeking jobs in the Europe Union 3. The high unemployment rate 4. Future Global investments 5. Continuous technical development 6. Demand for employment in the European Union 7. Presence of skilled underemployed or unemployed youth Threats 1. The emergence of new recruiting organizations in the market 2. The condition of the economy of the United Kingdom 3. Non resistant to recession 4. Strong trade and outsourcing laws Figure 2: SWOT analysis of Hays (Source: Yuniarti, 2015) 3.2 The strength and the weakness 3.2.1 Strengths: At present, the following factors can be considered as the strength of the organization: The brand name: Hays Specialist Recruitment had been operating in the field of human resource recruitment from way back in 1969. At present, the organization is considered to top the list of all those recruiting organizations that operate in the international domain and recruit employees in various industries located in the UK (Kolios and Read, 2013). Needless to say, the brand name of the organization would be the primary advantage of the organization (, 2015). Management experienced in global operations: Hays Specialist Recruitment been operating in the international domain for more than a decade (from 2003) and at present operates across 33 nations of the world (Xingang, Jiaoli and Bei, 2013). The organization thus has an experienced management team who are able to tackle the various constraint and threats being presented to the operational activities of the country by the foreign economic environment (Magruder, 2012). This team has the potential to become a factor to the success of the new venture. Long industry experiences: Hays had been operating in the market for a very long period of time, since 1969. Thus, the experience collected over this period would be helpful in conducting the business in the foreign market (Jhamb, D. and Kiran, 2011). Business concentrated on recruitment: The business of the organization is based entirely in the recruitment sector: thus, the management is able to focus on this sector completely. Large market share: At present, the Hays has the largest market share in the recruitment industry of the United Kingdom (Wrona and TrƦpczyÅ„ski, 2012). Needless to say,the large market share is one of greatest strengths of the organization. Growth in revenue collection: In spite of the fact that the current economic condition of the European Union is not satisfactory, there has been a significant growth in the revenue collections made by the organization, as compared to the last financial year Kingdom (, 2015).. 3.2.2 Weakness: At present, the following factors can be considered as the strength of the organization: Still not established across all emerging economies of the world: The organization is still not established in all the emerging economies of the world (Ruhela and Banerjee, 2014). This should be considered as one of the weaknesses of the organization as the over-dependence on the European economy might affect the organization negatively. Late entry in the Asian subcontinent: Various globally acclaimed organizations have entered in to the Asian market for quite some time (Mishra, 2013). The late entry in to this flourishing market and the inability to capture it before the others might actually be considered as a weakness on the part of the organization (Sasidhar and Reddy, 2012). 4. Modes of entry into the market 5.1 Various Modes of entry into India In general, while taking entry into any foreign market, most organizations utilize one of the following modes of entry: Exporting: The process of providing services or products developed in one country to the citizens of another country is often termed as exporting (Wrona and TrƦpczyÅ„ski, 2012). Since the services provided by Hays Specialist Recruitment are not developed at any country, such mode of entry would not be applicable for the organization (Caroli, Cucculelli and Pongelli, 2015). Licensing: International licenses allow foreign organization to produce products for specific markets. Since Hays does not manufacture any product, such mode of entry would not be possible for the organization (Hilmersson and Jansson, 2012). Franchising: The business mode in which independent business owners use the brand names of reputed parent companies so as to conduct business and pay royalties in exchange, is known as franchising (van Wijngaarden, Scholten and van Wijk, 2012). Even this mode of market entry would not be suitable for Hays Specialist Recruitment as the organization operates solely on the digital platform. 5.2 Recommendations In general, while taking entry into any foreign market, most well established brands utilize the wholly owned subsidiary mode of entry (Holtbrugge and Baron, 2012). Such organizations can in practice, utilize one of the two under-mentioned strategies: Greenfield investment: It encourages the establishment of new wholly owned subsidiary and is associated with the financial risks of setting up a new business in a foreign market (Impullitti, Irarrazabal and Opromolla, 2013). Acquisition which encourages the merging of an existing organization with the one that is about to enter into the new market. Since Greenfield investments require much time for their establishments in the market and are associated with high financial risk, such mode of entry is not being recommended to the management of Hays (Hilmersson and Jansson, 2012). On the other hand, acquisition processes mandate the taking over of the competitors or business partners who are currently operating in the market, thus enabling the new entrant to utilize the existing resources and competencies (Adeoye, 2015). The management of Hays can utilize this option to enter into the Indian market: taking over any existing recruiting organization would not only provide Hays with the opportunity to utilize their physical stores of offices, but would also allow them to utilize the services of employees having the experienced of working in the Indian market (Razghandi, Hashim and Mohammadi, 2012). The strategic acquisition of yet another recruiting organization that has the experience of working in the Indian market would help Hays to utilize the existing distribution channels, besides using the technological and business process: needless to say the overall business of Hays would be benefitted due to this process (Xingang, Jiaoli and Bei, 2013). However, the management of Hays requires in considering the following points being the acquisition process: The work culture of the organization must match with the work culture prevalent in Hays (Wrona and TrƦpczyÅ„ski, 2012). The acquisition process might result in apprehension between the existing employees of the organization and the ones that Hays intends to employ (Holtbrugge and Baron, 2012). 5. Conclusion This report provides a insight to the plans and strategies that should be adhered to while considering the future international expansion of the Hays Specialist Recruitment. The discussion made in the appendix section has been helpful in finalizing the market that should now be targeted by the organization for their future expansions: the PESTLE analysis of the target market has been provided in the section 1 of this report, which is indicative of the correctness of the choice. In the next section of the report, the SWOT analysis of the organization has been provided, so as to identify the factors which would be considered as the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the organization during the international expansion into the Indian market. The modes of entry that should be used by the organization for initiating their operations in the Indian market have been discussed in the third section of the report. The discussions made in the report indicate that: Hays Specialist Recruitment should choose India as the target market for their next international expansion. The management should utilize the acquisition mode of market entry so as to start operating in India. References BBC News, (2015). Who are the UK's foreign workers? - BBC News. [online] BBC News. Available at: [Accessed 26 Dec. 2015]. Caroli, M.G., Cucculelli, M. and Pongelli, C., (2015). Family Firms and Foreign Market Entry Modes: The Role of Family Involvement.L'industria,36(1), pp.93-110. Desai, D. and Garozzo, F., (2011). Intercultural Management: Morocco and India., (2015). How corrupt is your country?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Dec. 2015]., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Dec. 2015]. Godwin, B.J., Kalapana, D. and Valli, S., (2013). 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Sunday, April 12, 2020
How One Simple Thing Turned Into $1k of Freelance Writing Business
How rockin would it be to earn an extra $1K in less than 3 weeks – from a brand new client? Almost sounds a bit crazy eh? I dont know about you, but I typically average around $500 per month from each of my recurring blogging clients. So, how did I double this with a client I recently landed? I didnt raise my rates. I didnt land a copywriting gig – although Im itching to do some copywriting in the future. I didnt even land a recurring gig. This gig is on-demand and ghostwritten. Pretty standard for freelance writing. So, how did I do it? Ive Never Talked About This Before When I think of what it takes to be a successful freelance writer, I typically think of: Dedication Passion Persistence Strong marketing ability Social presence The right attitude to make it as a freelance writer But, I never considered – or even talked about – basic professionalism as a key to success. Its always a given in my book. I dont know about you, but I want to wow my clients. I want to be their go-to writer when they need a blog post or article written. I must be doing something right – because my clients are obviously impressed by me. So, I was surprised how a simple thing I was doing for this client turned into a big payout. Want to know what it was? I made sure to be prompt. That was it. I was available. Being There At the Right Time The agreement I had with this new client was on an ad hoc basis. He has a team of writers working for him so I figured I would get an assignment maybe once a month. The client requested an ad hoc piece right away, which I agreed to write, while I continued working on other client work. Then, a little while later, I received this email: Even though I was quite busy at the time, I jumped at the opportunity. I said sure, no problem, and eventually this turned into the client asking me to write several posts over the month. I didnt turn down work. One writer quitting for the client turned into a $1K writing opportunity for me. Hows that for being prompt and available? Is That All It Takes? Im a busy WAHM. Now that Im in the midst of potty training my twin toddlers, my time is split between potty duty and client work. But, even though my days are full, I do my best to balance work and life. I work a little bit every day. There are many freelance writers that clock in at 8 am and clock out at 5 pm. They take the weekends off and dont answer their work email until Monday morning. Kudos to them. But, if a client emails me on a Sunday morning, Ill be sure to get back to them within the day. And, if they ask me to do a rush job, you bet I will do my best to say yes. Established freelance writers may think differently. Ive only done this a year so Im eager to grow my business and make freelance writing viable. Im also only working part-time most days, so every day I play with my children, cook their meals, do the laundry and write for my clients. I slip in social media throughout the day, but there will be days where I dont even check my Twitter or Facebook. It all evens out for me. When my children go to school, Ill be able to structure my day more like from 8am-3pm, but for now, Im fine with my splintered schedule. I do feel obligated to be prompt and available to my clients because I only have very limited time during the day to work. Im still new and want to make my mark in this business, and being available helps me achieve this. What This Means For You Whats so great about professionalism is that anyone can do it, especially if you are starting out as a freelance writer. Doing these little things can help you stand out when you dont have a portfolio or testimonials yet. So, dont ever think no ones going to hire you because youre new to freelance writing. With a killer pitch, a persistent attitude and professionalism in the bag, you will land a client in no time. And to help you out, here are some other ways you can show your professionalism to a new client: Exceed those deadlines – hand in your work days before its due. Clients will definitely notice how keen you are and may be inclined to give you more work. Respond to emails right away (or as soon as you can) – clients can come from all over the world, so when they shoot off an email to you, respond quickly. Go the extra mile for clients – I often ask clients if they want me to upload my post into their WordPress site. More times than not, clients tell me what a big help that is. Another thing I often do is include a feature image in my service package. This is what one client told me after I uploaded a featured image (flat design): Get Out There Today I would never have thought being prompt would pay off so big. But, it goes to show that we are all just people. People want to be treated with respect. So, if youre new to freelance writing this one simple thing can really skyrocket your business. Be that writer thats available, respond to your emails right away and always put your best foot forward. Now its your turn – do you have a simple thing thats helped you succeed in your freelance writing business? Id like to hear about it!
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Positivism Essay Example
Positivism Essay Example Positivism Paper Positivism Paper Positivism is a theoretical and methodological approach in contemporary criminology. Positivists believe that human behavior is shaped by biological, psychological or social factors and forces. These factors and forces are called individual pathology which deter the decision-making and control ability of an individual and results in behavioral problems (White Haines, 2003). To extend to legal definition, crime is defined as individual pathology to obey law and to conform to moral consensus of the society. Positivism approach in criminology examines the trait distinctions between offenders, rather than on the criminal acts as the focus of analysis. Also, positivism determines how these differences predispose a person towards criminality (White Haines, 2003). Positivists believed that these traits observed can be diagnosed and treated by dealing with and removing the factors and forces that cause the offending behavior to occur. Rather than punishment, positivism directs toward the treatment of offender as a response to crime (White Haines, 2003). The study of positivism is to classify and quantify human behaviors to uncover the causal relations between deviants traits and the committed crime. Therefore, positivism is a scientific approach in the criminal justice system. Psychological positivism Positivism concerning with psychological factors induced behavior is called psychological positivism. The consequences and impact of individual trauma are psychological factors which provoke behavior problems (White Haines, 2003). These psychological factors hinder the cognitive development in decision making, social understanding and moral reasoning. Thus, people with psychological problem are potential to commit in crime as they are unconscious in doing so (White Haines, 2003). Based on psychological positivism, criminals are associated with one of these psychological theories: psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive and physiological theory (Senna Siegel, 1990). The following will explain these theories by the case of man rape against woman. (a) Psychoanalytic theory Psychoanalytic theory was developed by Sigmund Freud (Senna Siegel, 1990). He believed that the personality arises from a conflict between three interacting systems: id, ego and superego (Senna Siegel, 1990). Id is unconscious energy that strives to satisfy instant gratification, it operates on the pleasure principle. Superego incorporates the moral norms of the society that how one ought to behave. Ego is conscious part of personality that satisfies the ids desires in ways that realistically bring pleasure rather than pain. It operates on the reality principle and struggles to reconcile the conflict between ego and superego. Psychoanalysts believe that law violators may suffer from personality disorder which is caused by damaged egos or superego (Senna Siegel, 1990). The personality disorder is self control inability which denoted that the capacity to repress urges is diminished. Criminals seek immediate gratification of wishes without consideration of right and wrong or the need s of others in the absence of self control. Humans are impulsive and anti-social in nature, they learn to aside to law through the system of self control. Low self control is consisted of incapability of defer gratification, lack of perseverance, and preference for risky and physical behavior (White Haines, 2003). To relate rape with self control theory, rape is seen as a gratification from sexual provocation. Mens sexual drive is aroused by womens dress, presence or movements. The drive is power and is so overwhelming to control (Vogelman, 1990). Men have no choice but to rape for a surge of excitement. As Groth and Birnbau (1979) argued, rape is not a symptom of mental illness but of personality dysfunction (cited in Hall, 1995: 74). Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) argued that child-rearing is critical to the development of self-control (cited in White Haines, 2003: 47). Family which lack of harmony, emotional warmth, and mutual acceptance promote the development of delinquency. Parents in these families treat the child aggressively or overly strict. Child abuse and neglect are also found in these families (Friedrich, 2003). Through such experiences, children learn aggressive behavior via modeling and perform similar reactions in the future. Warrne, Hazelwood and Reboussin (1991) reported that 76% rapists had experienced some sort of sexual abuse when they were children (cited in Hall, 1995: 75). These abuses include physical penetration or coercion to watch sexual act by assaults who were their family member or known assailants such as teacher, neighbor or friend (Hall, 1995). (b) Behavioral Theory Behavioral theory believes that behavior is determined. It is learned from others or through experiences. Human beings learn from daily observations (Senna Siegel, 1990). For example, youth exposed to aggressive, antisocial behavior on television and movies are likely to copy that violent behavior. Similarly, reading pornography laced with violence causes people to commit to rape. Laboratory researchers have claimed that media exposure on sexual aggression such as violence, degrade and humiliate against women encourage sexual offends (Howitt, 1998). It have been found that the majority of rapists to be of average or above average intelligence, educational level and income. However, they have inability to form or maintain emotionally intimate relationships with others (Hall, 1995). In fact, antisocial behavior can be induced by social disability such as deprivation or discrimination. Also, when people are unable to attain what they desire, they become frustrated and their potential for aggression is increased (Vogelman, 1990). Physical acts are often the quickest way to express anger or stress to diminish the inability and impairments (Conley, Luckasson Bouthilet, 1992). Groth and Hobson (1083) defined rape as a sexual expression of aggression against women (cited in Howitt, 1998: 91). This can be illustrated by anger rape. Anger rape involves physically force than necessary to overpower and damage the victim to obtain sex. Abusive, obscene and degrading languages are accompanied with anger rapist to express their hostility (How itt, 1998). This indicates that rape cannot be understood in terms of sexual desire alone. (c) Cognitive theory Cognitive theory focuses on how people process and store information. A child may do what is right simply to avoid punishment. The same person will do what is right to avoid hurting others in later life. This is called moral reasoning (Senna Siegel, 1990). Moral reasoning determines the perception one acquired. Perception dominates people behavior. Moral reasoning also endeavor one to obey law on behalf of their social responsibility and to identify the perspectives, feelings or thoughts of the others (Murphy Clare, 2003). Based on these theories, criminals are probably to have faulty perception and information processing as they are unable to think logically in the system of axiom. Axiom is the causal relationship of if and then, that is the impact of criminals behavior (Conley, Luckasson Bouthilet, 1992). Senna Siegel (1990) suggested that criminals are significantly lower in their moral judgment than non-criminals as they have limited insight into the motivations and character istics of others. They perceive other people as more aggressive than they are. Undoubtedly, they are more likely to be vigilant and suspicious. When criminals attack victims, they believe they were actually defending themselves (Senna Siegel, 1990). For male rapists, women are percept as sex objects and they believe that women are not worthy of respect since men are more competitive in the sphere of sexual relations. Rapists are unable to identify the equality between the two sex roles. The expression of mens masculinity is demonstrated in power rape. As Groth and Birnbaum (1979) stated, The intent of the power rapist is to assert his competency and validate his masculinity (as cited in Hall, 1995:76). Power rape is driven by fantasy. The power rapist projects his own desires on the victim, thereby interpreting her resistance as a facade of non-compliance. The rapists are exited by pain and suffering of the victim (Murphy Clare, 2003). The dehumanization of women reflects rapists inconsideration on others. The power rapists use language of instructional as to express conquest against women. (d) Physiological theory Physiological theory is the identification of the psychopathic personality (Senna Siegel, 1990). Psychopathic personality is caused by physical abnormality in the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS mediates internal activities such as heart beat and blood pressure when associated with emotions. The physical abnormality can be caused by genetic and biochemical factors. Therefore, psychopathic personality is predisposed innately and is unaffected by socialization. Psychopath experiences lower arousal levels to stimuli and react differently from the normal. Therefore, it is possible that psychopaths are thrill seekers who engage in high-risk, antisocial activities to raise their general neurological level to a more optimal rate (Senna Siegel, 1990). Criminals are potential psychopaths who devoted in risky activities. As Freud developed, libidinal energy is internalized in particular zone of human, these zones are oral, anal, phallic and genital. These zones will evoke a feeling of pleasure when they are stimulated (Vogelman, 1990). Therefore, it is possible for men to have biological drive for sex. Moreover, As Gebbard, Gagnon, Pomeroy and Christenseon (1965) stated, In many mammals, coitus is preceded by a physical strugglethe physiological by-products of excitement and exertion is the increased heart rate, increased breathing, muscle tension, the greater supply of blood to the body surfaces, etc (cited in Vogelman, 1990: 39). Men rape not purely because of lust and lack of sex, but to facilitate sexual arousal. The arousal is obtained from the struggle of woman to produce a sense of excitement (Vogelman, 1990). Treatment As mentioned previously, the response of crime in positivism concentrates on treatment rather than punishment. Offenders who seem to have personality problems will undergo a psychological evaluation examined by forensic psychologists and psychiatrists (Senna Siegel, 1990). These professionals worked within the criminal justice system to assess the possibility of personality disorder. They also assert appropriate treatment to criminals according to their degree of deficiency. Treatment for rapists seeks to identify the causes of their deviant behavior, and to cure them by changing their thinking processing. Treatments for rapists include psychotherapy, behavior modification and biomedical therapy (Hall, 1995). There are three forms of psychotherapy: relapse prevention, cognitive therapy, and victim empathy. Relapse prevention is based on the belief that an event such as emotion and behavior are prior to rape, rapists are asked to identify the preceding events so that whenever the event appear they can consciously terminate their offensive behavior (Hall, 1995). Relapse prevention is the exercise of self control utilization. Cognitive therapy indoctrinates a moral perception to rapists that it is necessary to rationalize and justify their own offensive behavior (Hall, 1995). Victim empathy enables the rapists to empathize with his victims, thereby gaining recognition of the lasting impact of his action. In this therapy, rapist reenacts the rape from the perspective of a victim (Hall, 1995). A new moral reasoning system is constructed from this torture experience. Behavior modification is done by arousal control (Hall, 1995). It makes use of adverse conditions to control unacceptable behavior. For example, a rapist is assigned to be exposed to a scene which depicts a violent sexual encounter. If he is sexually aroused, he might receive a series of electrical shocks or might be subjected to an offensive odor (Hall, 1995). The purpose of the treatment is to cause the rapist to respond adversely to the thoughts of sexual violence. Thus, behavior is reformed. Biomedical therapy involves the use of drugs in conjunction with other forms of therapy. Drugs are used as a form of chemical castration that results in suppression of the manufacture of the sex hormones, testosterone. It may also use to suppress inappropriate fantasies and compulsive behavior (Hall, 1995). Offensive behavior can be removed. Psychological positivism as legal defense mechanism In criminal justice system, a voluntary act, the actus reus and a mental element, the mens reas are required to condemn someone to be guilty (Murphy Clare, 2003). The mental elements include the cognitive development and psychiatric conditions of the offenders. The cognitive development contributes to the ability to identify existing problems and formulate an effective way to solve the problems (Murphy Clare, 2003). If the development is interrupted, the offender is claimed to be no intention for their acts. Likely is the psychiatric illness sufferer. The criminal law recognizes these abnormal mental conditions of a person not to entirely responsible for their actions as intent for the commission of crime is negated (Senna Siegel, 1990). The mental state of unconscious is used as a legal defense mechanism. If a person is declared insane when they were committing crime, a judgment of not guilty by reason of insanity (cited in Senna Siegel, 1990) is entered. The person is then held in an institution for the criminally insane until found to be sane and eligible for release (Senna Siegel, 1990). Offenders can escape from punishment liked incarceration. Besides, involuntarily intoxication under duress or by mistake may also be an excuse to refute the crime committed. Even though voluntary intoxication can lessen the degree of crime because the defendant can prove they were lacking of critical element for mental intention (Senna Siegel, 1990). For example, a judgment may be decreased from first to second-degree murder. The defense mechanism in respect to psychological positivism is being criticized as it spurs crime as it releases criminal offenders. Criminal justice system is thus unjust. Conclusion The willingness of time and money consumption to investigate psychological positivism indicates that policymakers ascertain that personal trait is a contributing cause of criminality. Nevertheless, there are critiques in psychological positivism. Since positivism is a science, it is inaccessible to the general community. Power is centered in the hands of forensic psychologists and psychiatrists with their specialized knowledge (White Haines, 2003). Debate was also found on the efficacy of criminal profiling. Psychological positivism brings suspicious people into innocent criminals simply because they match certain personality traits (White Haines, 2003). In contrast, psychological positivism allows crime to be prevented by early intervention such as pre-school program to enforce discipline to children. Psychological positivism tends to construct a more harmonic society for the future.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Lack of Money Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Lack of Money - Research Paper Example In fact, it is money that drives the world at a rate so ever increasing. Indeed, without money, one cannot buy many products and services. Many laypeople feel that money is a necessary evil, and it is indeed considering that the lack of it makes life practically unbearable. On the other hand, money is one substance that motivates most of human activities and interactions including scientific research, space exploration, technological advancements, politics and business, the list being practically inexhaustible as noted by Krugman and Wells (2009). This paper discusses the lack of money and its close association with poverty and crime. It will be assumed that generally, lack of money amounts to poverty. One major problem that the world has ever so been grappling with since time immemorial is poverty. In the modern world, the lack of money can with reasonable confidence be summed as poverty or destitution. Absolute poverty is the condition that prevails when one cannot access basic human needs including education, clothing, food, clean water and shelter. On the other hand, relative poverty refers to the state of having less than acceptable level of money or resources as compared to other members of the society, country or community. Of the United States of America, Joseph Williams states that, â€Å"Today nearly 16 million Americans live in â€Å"deep or severe poverty† (Williams, 2007, par 1). Traditionally, poverty has been considered part and parcel of every society considering that ancient modes of production could not offer the whole population a comfortable life (Kerbo, 2006). According to the United Nations, lack of money or poverty denies people the capacity to effectively participate in society. The organization also notes that lack of money predisposes individuals or/and communities to violence as they have to live in marginalized or fragile
Friday, February 7, 2020
PR Activity & Promotional Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
PR Activity & Promotional Assessment - Essay Example Marketing guru Philip Kotler also has developed several pages in his bestseller "Marketing Management" to the centrality of customer in affecting brand-building/ PR exercise. Thus, any definition of PR has to come from a customer point-of-view itself. No major organisation of today, can survive without at least a few members of their team, dedicated to launching PR initiatives in order to give the organisation, a certain recognition in the area where it wants its influence to spread, or to be maintained. The purpose and scope of PR can be applied to a multitude of organisations; Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, gives an all-inclusive list in this way (webpage on PR): 3. NGO's such as schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc. use PR as a means to draw awareness to their cause, and appeal to the heartstrings of charitable people in order to establish funds. 4. Politicians use PR exercises, in order to extract votes, or to push new measures. President Bush once came under criticism for spending nearly $2.2 million on his campaign to overhaul US social security (Common Dreams News Centre). In order to grasp the finer elements of PR's nature, it is useful to corroborate information from a PR consultant itself. Sunday Odedele, Managing Director of a Lagos-based PR agency, looks at his profession from the angle of "philosophy" (webpage). Odedele reasons that PR is "human-centric", since the process of maintaining a brand-conscious image stems from the basic human approach to transmit social signals by means of communication, he explores the nature of the PR exercise from the vantage point of core philosophy. Enumerating basic human needs as "survival, health, freedom, fellowship, self respect, knowledge, fulfilment, and happiness", he unconditionally mentions that these needs must be fully-accounted for in any endeavour of a PR initiative, because ignoring them would
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Isolationism in Europe Essay Example for Free
Isolationism in Europe Essay Isolationism is a system whereby a country withdraws from participating in international affairs. Europe adopted isolationism to protect its economy from foreign countries. Isolationism is associated with America’s refusal societies believed they were different than European societies in the sense that they could achieve democracy and freedom without using violence. Isolationism in European began back in the colonial days when people started fleeing from Europe because of war and economical deprivation. Increase in religious persecution also led people to free from Europe. The escapees saw their new environments as better places to restart the lives and make them better . America isolated itself from Europe because, Europe’s interest were in no way similar to those of America. Europe also participated in a set of controversies and wars that of less importance to America. They saw it unwise to get involved in those activities that did not affect them already. To prove this America involved itself in a set of wars which included the Mexican war and the Spanish American war without asking for Europe’s alliance. President Monroe, during this period declared that America had never and would never involve itself in the domestic European wars. The colonists who brought about isolationism had escaped from Europe to avoid religious persecutions and wars. They believed that the new world outside of Europe was more favorable and moral. Though the wars in Europe were brought about by the colonists from America, they did not participate in them. European states were based on ethnicity and territorial history which brought about a sense of identity and ties states that felt more superior and strong extended their authorities to other national borders to increased their territories and powers. This kind of forced invasion is associated with a lot of violence and wars. Europe therefore became entangled in a chain of wars among its own states. Adopting isolationism brought more benefits to America which was a young developing country. Europeans dominated most of the world affairs and if America got involved in Europe’s affairs it would be colonized by Europe. However during 1800s, Germany provoked America during World War I and got America to participate in the war. Isolationism in Europe caused so much poverty because states fought amongst themselves and destroyed important resources such as schools, factories, farms and hospitals. Actually America was very deeply rooted to this idea of isolationism. Though many other nations supported this idea, their intentions to move into this system were not the same as that of the Americans. That was mainly because the United States was very much stable in terms of economical and also political status and their involvement in isolationism was considered to be very successful. During the time when America was at its peak of development, the United States had many options that they were going to use on expanding within their own territories. It also had large amounts of raw materials that they were going to use in expanding the factories and industries within the country. There was nothing which actually made the Americans travel abroad like many of the western European nations e.g. Britain. They were in no need of any new markets or any opportunities to invest neither did they need any space to build their dynasties. Their only motives were to increase their internal colonization territories to the furthest west. Therefore most of their duties were mainly concentrated within the country and they did not need to move out of the country. Many other nations also had very little chances of entering into the United States. Also the two wide oceans which surrounded the United States of America kept the rest of the countries 3000 miles away. Therefore it was very much difficult for the rest of the nations to cover such distance in seeking to enter into the United States. Most of their surrounding neighbors in the northern and southern part did not concentrate on entering into the country. This was mainly because countries in the northern part e. g. Canada and the West Indies had been connected so much with the British and in the south, the South Americans in the 19th century were not strong enough to attack or to cause conflicts with a country like America at that time. The main reason why the isolation of the Americans was not disturbed in the 19th century was mainly because the British soldiers kept them at bay. This reason was mainly caused by the world’s organization whereby it was mainly done so following the British system. The British system was mainly used because there was a well balanced system of power in the west and the British Navy was very much powerful at that time. The British system was functioning so effortlessly and most of the nations didn’t even believe that the system was mainly powered by the British economical and political supremacy. Therefore America grew well while adopting this system of isolationism as a successful policy because it would keep them away in involving themselves in wars. This was also strengthened by the international involvement of other nations e. g. the British that ensured that all the trouble were reduced to the minimum. Another reason that made Americans to adapt to this system was their belief in the vision of staying as one community that is dedicated to working together. Isolationism in Europe was led by socialists. In Europe isolationism led to political and economical demise. This led to an outbreak of war when Germany went against the treaty of Versailles. Strong alliances were formed against the Soviet Union. Some of them include the alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan. After the World War I, most European countries decided to isolate themselves from the international affairs of Europe. This is because the results of the war were very devastating and so staying away from the alliances was of more benefit to the states of Europe. During the 1900s Portugal rejected all forms of international invasion into its territory and accepted the incorporation of economical aspects and also intergovernmental corporation within itself. The French are the most isolated people in Europe. French does not welcome new members and immigrants into its state. The French politicians are the most rigid and do not allow any foreign invasion into their political affairs. European nations resulted into isolationism due to the fear of international communism. This is a style that was adopted by Western Europe to protect itself against Russia. This is because all activities of the Soviet Union were questionable and suspected to have a ridden motive. Most western European states cooperated with each other to work against the Soviet Union. Great Britain, France and Germany acted as the major authorities in Europe making other states inferior to them. Russia, being a soviet union did not participate in the world war, because it aimed to protect its territories and resources. Russia also colonized other European nations only accepted Russia foreign policy, when Russia joined the League of Nations. After the world wars, Europe did not feel that money and resources used in the war were a waste of time, instead, they believed that, the war was thought for a worthy cause and a common goal to protest its interests and those of its citizens. The war caused unequal distribution of wealth between America and Europe. This is because the war led to collapse of business in Europe. After the war, United States imposed a tariff policy on European goals making it difficult to sell their goods in America. America put the tariff policies to protect their business after the world wars. Political isolationisms in Europe also led to the collapse of the European constitution political leaders isolated themselves from the common citizens and implemented laws that were not acceptable by the citizens. Political leaders in Europe did not accept any political ideas from its citizens. Isolationism is a problem that makes human beings to put their interest first. It is a nature to create a sense of security. European did not want other people from different backgrounds to include their own tunes, values or culture. As a result Europe introduced tariff policies that were aimed at protecting its business from foreign status. Bibliography Graebner, Norman A. The New Isolationism: A Study in Politics and Foreign Policy since 1950. New York: Ronald Press, 1956. http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=3485145. Martel, Gordon, ed. American Foreign Relations Reconsidered, 1890-1993. New York: Routledge, 1994. http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=103366220. Powaski, Ronald E. Toward an Entangling Alliance: American Isolationism, Internationalism, and Europe, 1901-1950. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=9788561. Ward, Barbara. The West at Bay. New York: W. W. Norton, 1948. http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=104923298.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Today is Only the Beginning, My Past is a Complete Mystery :: Personal Narrative Writing
Today is Only the Beginning, My Past is a Complete Mystery It's funny how weeks pass so quickly and so much fills this life; I can't remember how one day is different from the next. Lately, a moment's peace means a falter of plans. My order is changed. Emotions, actions, events, and things go on around me, and I live through them not know how it was done. Sometimes there's reflection; it's haunting until tomorrow, and I have no idea what tomorrow is. Strangely, I think of why I'm here and wonder who I am behind this faà §ade, this name-looking for a balance and a connection, never knowing where to find it, and nobody else knows either; voices talk on the telephone about it for hours, or sit there drawing some strange parallels one afternoon. It all ends up somewhere in an unconsciously dreamworld; alas the perplaxity in distinguishing truth from reality is plaguing. Thinking of how to connect the two, three, and forty thousand images that fly by me day in and lights out, waking up and shock hits. All I want to do is do what I want to do, an d do what I have to do, and like it, and get something out of it. Never does a thought cross my mind that there may someday be disappointment. And, when the sun rises every morning, more things muddle some understanding and shake my order, catching me by utter surprise. Secret hopes that will one day lead me to whatever i think I am going to find, lie before me a mystery. Months mesh into one another. I went out into the backyard to look for violets, the small wild ones. My aunt had secretly shown me where they were one day after lunch. I still remember my plaid pants were the same color as the violets, with a solid purple shirt, and my almost white Keds sneakers. We went up into the attic where she kept her sewing basket, and I picked out what I thought was the prettiest ribbon to tie together my prescious hand-held flowers. It was a frazzled, satin off-whitish with embroidered lace around it. I knew my flowers had to be worthy enough to deserve such a royal bow. So, we had sneaked around the corner of the house to the sunny spot; that's where they grew the best. Originally, I had picked the flowers without the stems.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The personal computer industry
These latter two, comprised the most valuable component of a PC, as they were protected by repository rights of their manufacturers, whereas the various components produced by PC manufacturers were vulnerable to copying. This situation created a high competition environment of â€Å"IBM clones†, and drastically reduced the profit margins that PC manufacturers were able to achieve and maintain. The common distribution and sales strategies among PC manufacturers did little to alleviate the problem of increasingly slim margins.At the time, PC's were sold through distributors, wholesalers and resellers, who preformed additional functions (such as advising lay customers and servicing them), yet ultimately lengthened the Value Chain and thus Harlan the manufacturers' marginal profit. Vigorous price wars between competing manufacturers further diminished profit margins. Hardware components could be purchased from a multitude of worldwide suppliers in an increasingly competitive globa l market, whereas microprocessors were supplied by a handful of companies, dominated by Intel.To make matters worse, as a given generation of processor aged, the price of the computer containing it declined rapidly. This meant that PC margins were typically highest during the early days of a microprocessor generation. In addition, widespread policies such as inventory buybacks of outdated products and rice protection offered to retailers against devaluation, consumed 2. 5 cents on every dollar of revenue. Managing these policies, together with the costs of advertising to resellers and funding for market development, generated costs of 2. 5 cents more on every dollar of revenue.Question 2 Why has Dell been so successful despite the low average profitability In the PC industry? Dell's Direct Model of marketing to end customers, which was established early in the company's history, was to become the driving force behind its wild success. This Is easily demonstrated by the company's bri ef departure from Its Direct Model, In favor of the standard retail store based marketing. Resulting In a loss on products sold through retailers, this strategy was quickly abandoned and the company returned to its tried and proven direct approach.Dell had recognized that the PC industry (as described above) was inflicted with rampant inefficiency in the distribution and marketing chain. The ensuing effect was a price point for a PC unit far in excess of the value of its parts. By the time a PC reached the end client, so much time had passed and so many extra costs had been added, that a $3000 PC old. By assembling the hardware components himself and marketing the finished product directly to the end customer, Dell would eliminate the middlemen, creating added value for both himself and the customer by splitting the middleman's profit between them.The fundamental logic of Dell's position is as follows: for a certain set of customer described below, Dell manages to achieve very low c osts without sacrificing a great deal of buyer willingness-to-pay. On the end-customer dimension, Dell has focused on knowledgeable customers who want product stability, high-end performance and low total lifetime costs. On the product dimension, Dell avoids the low end of the price spectrum (sub-$1 ,OHO) and focuses on stable product lines. On the geographic dimension, Dell is more focused on the US than all of its rivals except Gateway.Question 3 Prior to the recent efforts by competitors to match Dell (1997-1998), how big was Dell's competitive advantage? Specifically, calculate Dell's advantage over the team of Compact and a reseller in serving a corporate customer. How big was Dell's competitive advantage? In a word – Big. In addition to the Direct Model, Dell pursued competitive advantages in other areas as well. Of these, several are particularly notable: ; Customer Segmentation – As the company grew it began to employ increasingly complex customer segmentations in order to maximize its marketing and customer service efficiency.Thus, a humble twofold segmentation model (large clients and small clients), evolved within a few years into a mammoth multi category model. ; Sales – As dell had grown, it subdivided its sales effort by region, and into countries within each region. In this way, Dell was able to take advantage of unique local advantages as well as improve its managerial efficiency. ; It is important to toe, that the above actions taken by Dell, while clearly improvements of service and efficiency, can truly be considered advantages only so far as they differentiate Dell from its competitors (this is not clear from the case study).If, however, these actions simply put Dell on par (not to mention sub-par) with the rest of the industry, its success cannot be attributed to them in any significant way. ; Online Services – Dells expanded its online services tremendously in 1996 with the launch of its improved website. The w ebsite offered the ability to obtain product information, configure a imputer system, check pricing, place an order and track orders of products. In addition the website allowed access to Dell's complete catalogue of service.For thousands of premiere corporate customers, Dell had designed dedicated secure pages within the website, containing pertinent information and personalized service. By 1998, sales originating from Dell's website reached a whopping 10 million dollars per day. ; Dell also ventured tentatively back into the reseller market – selling its older systems to a limited number of resellers at a 15-20% markdown from its listed price. However, Dell did not offer price protection or buybacks, thus avoiding the added costs related to these common practices, while disposing of its devaluing inventory.This activity, though limited at first, would eventually come to encompass 5% of Dell's total sales. ; Production, logistics and procurement – Dell's PC's we for b ased on actual orders, so that the company need not hold any finished goods inventory of standardized machines. Yet despite this â€Å"a la carte†ordering and manufacturing, Dell was able to produce a product, from order entry to shipping in about a day and a half!. Thanks to a streamlined assembly line production process, Dell was able to supply its products markedly faster than the competition while still holding far less inventory.In addition, Dell has found that this system leads to less defective products. Dell also leverages this system to cater to corporate customers, incorporating the loading of customers' proprietary software on the PC into the production process. The ability to quickly supply emergency rush orders as well as extremely high volume orders to corporate customers, is another advantage of Dell's superb production system. Last, but hardly least, the quality of Dell's products and customer service were of superior quality, ranking highly in most surveys r elative to its competitors.Compared to this, Compact was at a serious disadvantage in many ways, pertaining to both private and corporate customers. To begin with, Compact did not market its products directly to the end customer, but instead distributed to customers mostly through retail stores and resellers. This meant Compact would have had to share part of its profit margin with a reseller, as well as incur the significant costs of buybacks and price protection. Compact PC's were also significantly less customizable and its production process far less sophisticated. Consumer PC's were manufactured as standard units, distributed mainly through retailers.Attempts at direct distribution via a toll-free telephone number failed to take off, mainly since Compact kept its prices high in order to avoid angering its supply chain. Likewise, efforts to establish a functional website for direct distribution were abandoned in the face of objections by the distribution chain. As for corporate customers – Compact built its corporate PC's according to demand forecasts made by its supply chain. Although this allowed Compact to hold its inventory for only 30 days (still much more than Dell), reseller inventory holding periods, meant the product still took about 65 days to arrive at the customer.Question 4 How effective have competitors been in responding to the challenge posed by Dell's advantage? How big is Dell's remaining advantage? Initial measures by Compact aimed at challenging Dell's advantage, were a limited success. In 1997, Compact initiated an Optimized Distribution Model (EDM): a coordinated effort with its distributors and resellers. Under this model, private customer units were manufactured subsequent to ordering. More customized units as well as corporate orders, required a two-step assembly, shipping a striped-down PC to its distribution channel, which would complete the last 20% of assembly.Additionally, price protection was reduced to only two weeks. In spite of these extensive measures, delivery time remained in the 45-50 days range, although this was expected to eventually be reduced to as little as 25 days. This time frame, though improved, posed no significant challenge to Dell's superiority. In late 1998, Compact initiated its Directress program, selling customized units to small and midsized companies wrought the telephone and internet, at a lower price than those charged by retailers. Days on average.This last development represents a significant bite into Dells advantage, with the shipping time being equal or less. However, it is important to note that Dell still maintains a significant lead in several respects. First, the line of products sold in the Directress program is limited. Second, this program caters to small and midsized businesses, lending no improvement to Compass's big-business and private customer operations. Compact also lacked an operational website for private customer purchases and dedicated corporate customer service. IBM was among the first to recognize and respond to Dell's advantage.The company moved to an Authorized Assembly Program (PAP), shipping striped-down â€Å"model O†PC's to its distribution channel, which would finish the assembly process according to order. This allowed for greater customizable and a less depreciable inventory, alongside an improved inventory turnover rate. Despite this improvement, IBM continued to produce model Co's according to its own demand forecasts, thus maintaining a significant inventory. In 1994, IBM launched a website which allowed customers to purchase PC's directly from the company.Although a step towards combating Dells advantage, Vim's website was geared toward private customers only and was not available for corporate customers. In addition, the site did not offer the range of services available on Dell's website, nor did it enable the customer to customize the PC. A later addition of a service geared toward corporate custom ers, which allowed them to by directly from the company, further improved IBM position. Yet the limited line of products offered, together with the persistent lack of a dedicated customer service website for corporate customers marred this success.In 1997, shortly after Compact launched its EDM program, HP unveiled a similar program by the name of Extended Solutions Partnership Program (ESP.). HP would ship orders to resellers as usual, or to the end customer if the reseller so requested. The program was similar to ‘Mob's model O, with the members of the distribution channel completing the final stages of assembly. Despite this similarity, Haps attitude to direct distribution was quite different. They believed that circumventing the resellers would cause antagonism and lower sales. Thus, HP avoided selling directly to end customers initially.When the company eventually established a website in 1998, it was not based on direct sale but on delivery being done through resellers. The website was anticipated to allow the reduction of price protection to 2 weeks, reduce defects and shave 5-15% off the price. Later, HP introduced direct sale through its website, however this service was only available to private customers, while corporate customers were still confined to purchasing through resellers. These improvements, as stated above, are still a far cry from the services and products available on Dell's website.Dell also maintains its production and inventory advantages relative to HP. To combat declining operations in 1997, Gateway opened 144 Gateway stores across the United States, which served as showrooms for the company's products and where customers could order PC's. However these stores held no inventory. In tandem, Gateway abandoned their efforts to obtain large corporate customers and began focusing on small businesses. Finally, â€Å"Gateway Partner†was established as a subdivision dedicated to reseller business. As is easily apparent, Gate way made some measure of improvement in the direction Dell has dictated.However, Gateways seems destined to occupy an ever diminishing place in the PC market, targeting small businesses and private customers. As is evidenced above, Dell maintains advantages in the areas of production efficiency and customizable, inventory management, direct distribution and online service (especially as concerns corporate customers). It has no doubt lost some part of its once vast advantages (for example Compass's reduced delivery time), yet it undoubtedly still holds a superior position to its competition. Question 5 What should each of Dell's major rivals (MOM, Compact, HP, and Gateway) do now? Attempting to be more responsive to customer's needs. For example: Soliciting customer feedback, Creating a forum for customers to suggest and rate improvements to products, Co-creating products with customers. 2. Match or exceed Dells website. Create a viable platform to cater to both private and corporate customers and implement a personalized online customer service for high end customers (similar to Dell's). 3. Developing new markets in emerging economies, such as China India and Brazil. The saturation of the PC industry in developed economies has engendered ever intensifying competition.Customers have become far easier as well as demanding. Emerging economies represent a huge opportunity to take advantage of an as of yet untapped market, where Dell's advantages may not prove to be so significant. 4. Enter new technological markets, such as laptops, smart-phones etc. Where Dell's production and supply schemes do not present a particular advantage. 5. Differentiate products in terms of quality and/or design. For example designs by contemporary artists. The main question is why has it been so hard for rivals to match Dell.The Dell story illustrates a wide range of barriers to imitation: tradeoffs; complexity/FLT; preemption; organizational resistance to choice. Based on these diffic ulties, you should have provided the rivals with prescriptions, and proposed an appropriate course of action. The answer should have discussed the question should the company go wholly to a direct sales model? Would the company be better off split into focused pieces, or at least largely independent units? Grade: 15 out of 17 points Question 6 Apply the VIRGIN model to Dell and its competitors. Demonstrate your understanding of this model.Resource based view of business and strategic management, stipulates hat a company's success is determined by its unique collection of resources and competencies. Hence, strategic decisions involve creating and sustaining competitive advantages through the company's core competencies. Resource-based analysis according to the VIRGIN model dictates that a resource must have four key attributes in order to constitute a sustainable competitive advantage: ; Valuable: Creates value for the firm by taking advantage of opportunities, eliminating threats or allowing the firm to differentiate products / services. Rare: Few or no competitors posses the resource. Imperfectly Imitable: Competitors cannot easily copy or reproduce the resource. ; Non-Substitutable: Equivalent resources that may create similar value are not readily Dells chief advantage, from which most of its other strengths ensue, is its production and supply schemes. As instructed, in the final part of this paper, we shall attempt to implement the VIRGIN model characteristics on these schemes, comparing them to the parallel attributes of Dell's competitors, with the hope of determining whether or not they constitute a sustainable competitive advantage. Valuable: Dell's supply chain is valuable, but not as valuable as it used to be. Computer technology as gotten increasingly cheaper over the years, so that even under the assumption that Dell maintains its historical profit margins, thanks to its superior production and supply schemes, this margin is now taken from a lower priced product, thus decreasing the company's nominal profits. O Due to decreasing prices, Dell may be forced to make difficult compromises in other areas, such as service and product quality, in order to maintain its profitability.Putting cost before quality is a move that may prove detrimental to Dell's long term interests. O As computing power has gotten grater, he standard PC is sufficient for supplying the needs of most average users. As such, the value of Dell PC's superior customizable has decreased significantly. ; Rare: In the past, Dell's unique production scheme and streamlined direct distribution model allowed for a highly customizable product, unrivaled by its competition. Recent developments, however, have put a dent in this unique advantage.Vim's â€Å"Model O†approach (and its subsequent equivalents in Compact and HP) as well as other advances such as Compass's Directress, have offered customers added customizable. However, no other company offers either the extent or the ease of sustainability as offered by Dell through its website. ; Imperfectly Imitable: Dell's production and supply schemes are difficult, though not impossible, to copy. For the companies historically working with distributors it is quite difficult to achieve disintermediation due to supply chain conflicts.Manufacturers cannot afford to do without their distributors in the short term, and the distributors will not allow them to move gradually towards disintermediation in the long term. However, in light of Dell's staggering success, the competition is slowly but surely, converging to Dells approach. If Dell does not begin to innovate in order to counter competitors, it may prove to be a â€Å"one-trick-pony†unable to continually maintain its once vast competitive advantage. It is noteworthy however, that Dell has maintained this particular competitive advantage for a significant period of time.This may well alleviate most concerns regarding competitors' abilit y to effectively copy Dell's model. Non-Substitutable: Dell's production and supply schemes are not readily substitutable with regard to the desktop PC market. It has proven to be the by far most efficient model conceived, almost simplemindedly creating and maintaining Dell's dominance of the PC market. However, recent years have seen the rapid decline of desktop PC's as the dominant form of private and corporate computing product.Laptops, game consoles and smart-phones now occupy an ever growing portion of the computer market. With regard to these emerging products, the advantages of Dell's production and supply schemes, versus its competitors, are virtually nonexistent. Therefore, Dell's approach is not now as irreplaceable as it once was. ;Well implementation of the VIRGIN model on Dell's production and supply conclusion is that such capabilities would not provide Dell with a competitive advantage)
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