Friday, December 27, 2019
Accounting Ethics Accounting Principles And Guidelines
Christine Lewis Intermediate Accounting Kim Hurt Ethics Paper Accounting Ethics In accounting, ethics are based on a commitment to honesty and objectivity. Financial reports are to be shown in the clearest and most accurate way possible. Investors, creditors, managers, employees, and even customers need to be confident that their accounting professional is honest and consistent with accounting standards, otherwise there is a loss of trust and an increasing chance of fraud. Pretty much every individual is in some way impacted by the decisions and actions of an accountant they’ll never meet. At the center of accounting ethics is the need to follow the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is based on three†¦show more content†¦$3.8 billion in expenses were reported as capital investments and more than $3.3 billion was manipulated within the companies reserves. Reserves can be abused to create the accounting equivalent of a slush fund. If a company wanted to distort profits it could transfer the necessary sums from the reserve. The suspicion is that WorldCom deliberately increased its reserves to be able to dip into them to boost profits, to meet profit projections, and to hide the dire state of the company while lining the pockets of the company’s CEO. An internal auditor at Arthur Anderson LLP, the hired accounting firm, caught the discrepancies and she was told to ignore the issue. It was blamed on the Chief Financial Officer and the Controller at the time and nearly all who were involved were fined or sentenced to jail time. The company has since gone through bankruptcy and has been acquired by Verizon Communications. Six senior officers of Waste Management committed financial fraud from 1992 to 1997. The officers weren’t getting the revenues they wanted to see so they â€Å"cooked†the books, as they say, to reach predetermined earnings targets. They failed to record necessary expenses for costs of landfill development, avoided depreciation costs to their garbage trucks, assigned salvage values to equipment that didn’t previously have a salvage value, improperly capitalized some expenses, and increased the environmentalShow MoreRelatedEthics774 Words  | 4 PagesEthics Paper HCS/405 December 12, 2011 Professor Ethics Paper When we talk about financial planning we have to take step back, look at the whole picture, and understand how it begins. Financial Management is the key essential in an organization when you plan financially. Financial Management is the building blocks for all accounting records and business transactions that occur. We cannot forget that decisions are based on the organizations fiscal objectives others are based on generalRead MoreHealth Care Organizations771 Words  | 4 PagesHome Page  » †¢ Other Topics Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper In: Other Topics Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper HCS405 Within today’s health care finance plans financial management is one of the most important aspects. There are numerous financial decisions that are handled from day to day in reference to accounting records and the business transactions that occur within the organization. The organizations fiscal objectives tackleRead MoreEthic Paper843 Words  | 4 PagesEthics Paper Ethics Paper Financial Management is one important part of health care financial planning. Many financial decisions are made on a day to day basis from all the accounting records and all the business transactions which occur. 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When working within any professional body, an individual will be subjected to circumstances in which personal ethics will come into play. The Accounting profession is no different as ethical questions arise as part of any working day and can effect how an individualRead MoreCareer Fair1124 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract Accurate accounting and the understanding can make or break your company or organization; not to mention possible jail time in the worse cases. The first way of ensuring accurate accounting is understanding the objectives. The second way is to understand the terminology of the accounting process and in the financial reporting aspects. The third way is to understand the ethics behind the accounting and reporting process. The forth way is to impement your role in the accounting process. â€Æ' CareerRead MoreFinancial Accounting819 Words  | 4 PagesQUESTION BTN 1-3 Identify the parties potentially affected by this audit and the fee plan proposed Accounting code of ethics guides those in the profession to behave in a respectful, controlled and moral way. Clients need to have confidence in the business practices of professional accounting firms. A clear ethical code ensures that accountants practice a high standard of business that is exceptional in integrity and professionalism (Maughan, 2011). According to Schreiber (2003)Read MoreEthical Issues Of The Managerial Accounting Profession1186 Words  | 5 Pagesto its complexity in today s business world it may generates sort of excesses that can negatively affect the business environment as well as the social life. Therefore, it becomes necessary to stress on the ethics and morals that should be prevalent in the business community. The term ethics in the business environment expresses the expected attitude of the individuals in organizations that carry out certain activities and services. Clearly, today’s business environment has obvious ethical issuesRead MoreEthical Issues Faced by the Accountancy Profession Essay1747 Words  | 7 PagesEthics plays an essential and integral part in the accountancy profession. Professional conduct plays an important role in establishing public trust in financial reporting and business practise. Yet this can and has come under threat when clients and employees are exposed to th e risk of fraud when accounting ethics are not adhered to. Codes of ethics are adopted to ensure the reliability, comparability and integrity of financial statements. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Minimum Drinking Age A Rite Of Passage For The...
Consuming alcohol is considered a rite of passage for the average young individual. The minimum drinking age required to legally consume alcohol varies in each country, ranging from it always being legal to drinking being illegal at any age, but most countries have set the age at 18-19. In the United States, as of 1988, the MLDA is 21 throughout its entire territory, while the age of majority starts at 18. This paper analyzes the arguments to lower the minimum drinking age and unify it with the age of majority. The factors discussed are alcohol-related traffic accidents, encouragement of unsafe drinking habits, and inconsistency between the perception of adulthood and the MLDA. In the United States, the minimum age required to legally consume alcohol is twenty-one years, being allowed in some states for young people under the minimum drinking age to consume alcohol under specific controlled circumstances. This particular age is controversial as it does not correspond to the age of ma jority of 18 years embraced by 47 states, which entitles the individual to vote, get married and join the army, among other decisions inherent to adulthood. It is thus seen as contradictory to consider a young person mature enough to take decisions of this nature, but not mature enough to drink alcohol. The minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) has propelled national debates on the subject, primarily promoted by university students, who argument that implementing the MLDA at 21 encouragesShow MoreRelatedAlcohol Marketing and Advertising25059 Words  | 101 Pageswith the industry standard that at least 50% of the advertisement’s audience consists of adults age 21 and over. Nevertheless, the 50% placement standard in effect in 2001 and 2002 permitted the ads to reach a substantial youth audience. This is particularly significant where the products and some ad themes may be attractive to minors. Although it is probable that some teens drink FMBs, teen drinking continued to decline during the period when these beverages were being aggressively marketed. Read MoreFilipino Adolescents in Changing Times*10342 Words  | 42 Pagesfor many reasons. These include a lack of common understanding of the action requirements of the RH framework and an insufficiency of current and relevant data on many aspects of the reproductive health situation of Filipino women and men of various ages and socio-economic status. Serious data gaps exist in the areas of adolescent sexuality, greater male involvement in RH, cancer incidence and management, post-abortion care as well as the cultural context of reproductive tract infections, sexuallyRead MoreSoc Test9122 Words  | 37 Pages critical feminism global feminism liberal feminism radical feminism systematic feminism 10 points Question 6 In her research project, Megan is measuring age, gender, GPA, and study habits. Age, gender, GPA and study habits are examples of Answer social inequality. variables. characteristics. assets. social issues. 10 points Question 7 Read MoreBible Versus the Toran12356 Words  | 50 Pageshighly symbolic vision of the future rebellion, judgement, and consummation of all things. (10) The Bible is the collection of the primary religious texts of Judaism and Christianity. There is no common version of the Bible, as the individual books, their contents and their order vary among denominations. Mainstream Judaism divides the Tanakh into 24 books, while a minority stream of Judaism, the Samaritans, accepts only five. The 24 texts of the Hebrew Bible aer divided into 39 booksRead MoreHesi Practice31088 Words  | 125 Pageshas a diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Because the mother is Roman Catholic, which nursing intervention would be most appropriate for the nurse to discuss with her? A. Baptism of the infant. B. Circumcision of the infant. C. Last rites for the infant. D. Sacraments of the sick for the mother. 10. A client with shock brought on by hemorrhage has a temperature of 97.6 °F (36.4â„Æ'), a heart rate of 140 beats/minute, a respiratory rate of 28 breaths/minute, and a blood pressure of 60/30Read MoreSSD2 Module 1 Notes31223 Words  | 125 PagesBase your reproduction and distribution on a need to know basis and the SOP s security classification. Remember, any copies of the SOP not issued will require you to have a place or area to secure them, so keep reproduction of the SOP to a bare minimum. In this lesson, you learned to write a platoon standard operating procedure (SOP) by: Determining the SOP purpose and target audience for distribution, Determining the SOP content, Determining the SOP coordination approval requirement, PreparingRead MoreCommunity Health Nursing Final Exam Study Guide Essay15874 Words  | 64 Pagesextremely expensive. Critical interventions are very costly, and so are all the diagnostic tests that must be done. They usually don’t have insurance. High mental heath issues in the homeless population. High risk for infections, trauma, violence. Don’t age very well. Where do they seek health care services? (pg. 425, Effects of Homeless on Health) Health care is usually crisis oriented and sought in emergency departments. Those who access health care have a hard time following prescribed regimensRead MoreSda Manual Essay101191 Words  | 405 Pages............................................ No Retired Membership List .................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS Rebaptism ...................................................................................... Individuals From Other Christian Communions ..................... Apostasy and Rebaptism .......................................................... Inappropriate Rebaptism ......................................................... CHAPTER 7 Church Officers andRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pages. . . .4 . .6 . .6 . .8 . .8 . 10 . 12 . 13 . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . 17 2â€â€The Evolution of Management Thought . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Management in Ancient History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Effects of the Industrial Age on Management . . . . . 22 Classical Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Scientific Management Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Bureaucratic School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pages. . . Dance music came from an underground culture and was about being edgy and anti-establishment. At the height of superclub-dom, a club would be  £25 to get in and be full of slightly-older people, glammed up and wearing crap labels. If you are young and want to be cool, you are not going to buy into that.5 For many aï ¬ cionados, the last straw was when the Sugababes got crowned the ‘Best Dance Act’ of 2003. At the end of 2002, Palumbo was obliged to close down his ï ¬â€šagship magazine, Ministry.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
For many years now I have listened to teachers spe Essay Example For Students
For many years now I have listened to teachers spe Essay ak about Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. However, I have never really understood what made that certain time period the Age of Reason. In this paper, I hope to clarify exactly what the Age of Enlightenment was by using different quotes from authors and notes that I have taken in class. I also hope to show how different authors used deism in their writings. The Enlightenment was an age that stressed reason rather than stressing authority. In Benjamin Franklins Autobiography, he states that he wished to live without committing any fault at any time; that he would conquer all that neither natural inclination, custom or company might lead him into. Habit took the advantage of inattention. Inclination was too strong for reason. He concluded that our interest was not sufficient to prevent our slipping, and that the contrary habits must be broken and good ones acquired and established, before we can have any dependence on a steady uniform rectitude of conduct. (385-386) The authority was very powerful during this time but with many people stressing reason instead of authority, it gradually lost its power. The Enlightenment was a shift from otherworldly to this worldly point of view. The Enlightenment was an interest in scientific inquiry. It was an age of great optimism. It was the belief in human and social perfectibility; that humankinds inherent tendency was to become better human beings. It was an era of self-confidence, where personal effort can lead to reform. That one must analyze and deal with all social problems. Deism was an important factor of the Enlightenment. According to Websters dictionary, deism is a movement or system of thought advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe. Benjamin Franklin was a deist. One characteristic of Deism is that Man, though personal, is part of the clockwork of the universe. Man has intelligence, a sense of morality, and a capacity for community and creativity. These, however, are not grounded in Gods character. They have a sort of autonomous nature. Franklin wrote that he was never without some religious principles, that he never doubted the existence of the deity, that he made the world, or governed it. However there were people of that age that were anti-deism. (384) For example Philip Freneau wrote in his poem called On the Universality and other Attributes of the God of Nature, that he lives in all, and never strayed. A moment from the works he made. (565) This was completely out of the concepts of the 18th century characteristics of Enlightenment writings. It was completely anti-deism. Thomas Paine was also a deist during the Enlightenment. He believed in one God, and hoped for happiness beyond his life. He thought that it was necessary to the happiness of man to be mentally faithful to himself. (502) This coincides with a certain characteristic of Enlightenment. Life should be devoted to the pursuit of ones happiness. Another characteristic of the Enlightenment is that emphasis was placed on the group rather than the individual. Thomas Paine believed in the equality of man. (502) He did not believe in the creed that was professed by the Jewish, Roman, Greek, Turkish, and Protestant church. He believed that his own mind was his own church. He believed that every national church or religion has established itself by pretending some special mission from God and communicated to certain individuals. (502-503) This was a rejection of the supernatural superstitions and miracles. His papers Common Sense and The American Crisis were not widely accepted. .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a , .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .postImageUrl , .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a , .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a:hover , .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a:visited , .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a:active { border:0!important; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a:active , .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ube84457f65d40668e6201eb1edfbfd6a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: tess of the d' Urbervilles and fate Essay I believe that these two works were influential in the age of Enlightenment. Common Sense helped create the national mood that inspired The Declaration of Independence. His Common Sense paper stated many different things about society and about the government. I believed that his statement that those who are in a community, if they have a common interest, will mutually and naturally support each other and this depends on the strength of the government and those who are governed by that government says it all. The origin and the rise of the government was a mode that was necessary by the inability of the moral virtue to govern the world. The design and end of government is freedom and security. (495) This follows the deist characteristic that ethics is limited to general revelation because the universe is normal and it reveals what is right. Paine roused colonists with the first sentence of his .
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Fourth Branch of Government free essay sample
The Fourth Branch of Government It has been taught since elementary school that the United States government consists of three branches, including the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. However, in those early days, there were no lessons on the influential fourth branch of government that operates alongside the other three and plays a central and increasingly active role in the system of checks and balances that was apparently designed to keep any one group from getting too much power.This essay defines the fourth branch of government and discusses its implications and increased powers, as well as the substantial affects it has on every person’s daily life. According to Vago (2009), the fourth branch of government is defined as administrative agencies with legislative authority to conduct investigations, make rules, and legally as well as officially make decisions about problems or disputes. For example, per the Free Dictionary. com, the Social Security Administration promu lgates regulations concerning the provision of income for totally disabled people and also decides who is or is not disabled. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fourth Branch of Government or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Additionally, for instance, if an employee is discriminated against on the basis of his or her race, color, religious origin, and/or sexual orientation, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (USEEOC) is an administrative agency that, pursuant to its website, is authorized to investigate such charges of discrimination against employers who are covered by the law, make a finding, and then may file a lawsuit to protect the rights of individuals and the interests of the public.However, according to Bovard (1997), â€Å"[f]ederal bureaucracies place increasingly absurd burdens on businesses†. Further, according to the webpage article on lawjrank. org entitled â€Å"Administrative Agency†etc. , the USEEOC and other federal administrative agencies are known as executive agencies regulated by the Executive Branch of government. Nevertheless, an enabling statute may create an independent local or state agency, commission, and/or board, which are not governed by the Executive Branch.The aforesaid webpage article also indicates that the primary difference between an executive agency and an independent agency is that the statute creating an independent agency generally prevents the president from removing the head of an agency without cause. In contrast, a head of an executive agency typically serves at the pleasure of the president. The United States Supreme Court on several occasions has considered whether independent administrative agencies are constitutional.In Humphreys Executor v. United States, 295 U. S. 602, 55 S. Ct. 869, 79 L. Ed. 1611 (1935), the Court held that President Franklin D. Roosevelt could not remove the commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) without cause. The statute that created the commission permitted removal of the commissioner only for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance of office. In Humphrey, President Roosevelt attempted to remove FTC Commissioner William E.Humphrey, who was nominated by President Herbert Hoover to a seven-year term in 1931, in order to replace him with an individual of Roosevelts choice. The Humphrey Court held that because he was not an executive officer, the president could not remove him from office except for the causes set forth in the statute. †Several of the administrative agencies that affect everyday activities are independent agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Labor Relations Board.However, there are numerous other local, state and federal agencies that make up the fourth branch of government. These agencies are granted legislative authority to administer specific government programs and areas of concern, and they have procedures and rules of their own. Also, the previously stated webpage article indicates that the fourth branch of government is â€Å"an official governmental body empowered with the authority to direct and supervise the implementation of particular legislative acts†.For example, the Department of Justice functions as the administrative agency that addre sses the legal concerns of the federal government and individuals. Within the Department of Justice is another agency known as the Drug Enforcement Administration which according to its website enforces laws and regulations against controlled dangerous substances, including illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine trafficking. Every place people visit, whatever people eat, buy, grow, wear, read, watch, send, and/or receive are governed by some agency rule or regulation.Take for instance, in New Jersey, a leisurely park is regulated by a town’s local Park Commission, which is regulated by the State Division of Parks and Forests, which is regulated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, which is regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, all of which are administrative agencies within the fourth branch of government. Additionally, vegetables bought at a local grocery store are agency regulated. The vegetables must be free of pesticides and other pollutants regulated by the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.Someone deposited money in their bank account and it suddenly disappeared because of fraudulent activity, but it is replaceable due to the rules and regulations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Another wins $1,000 on a single wager at a horse betting parlor but wait, the Internal Revenue Service also wins because under its rules and regulations, it gets a share. And, then, the Horse Racing Commission regulates the owners, trainers, jockeys, horses, and the racetrack, all governed by the State Gaming Commission. Administrative agencies are everywhere and there is no escaping them.As stated by Vago (2009), â€Å"[o]n the federal level, there are some 50 agencies in Washington alone (Hill and Hill, 2004). The average state probably has more than 100 administrative agencies with powers of adjudication or rulemaking or both (Davis, 1975a:8). †(p. 128) The primary implication of administrative agencies is that they have too much power and do not conform to what our forefathers had in mind when the United States Constitution was formulated or what was so eloquently stated by our late former President Abraham Lincoln in his famous Gettysburg Address, â€Å"government by the people and for the people†.According to Epstein’s website article entitled â€Å"Why the modern administrative state is inconsistent with the rule of law†, †[t]he creation of what has been optimistically called â€Å"the Fourth Branch†of government necessarily poses challenges o n the integration of this fourth branch of government with the other three branches, for which there is explicit textual authority. That task must, †¦, provide for the separation of functions (which is nowhere stated in the Constitution) in order to achieve the protections against the arbitrary application of power which the separation of powers (which is in the Constitution) was designed to preserve. Further, the implication of administrative agencies is that the heads of many, if not all of them, whether local, state, are federal appear to be selected based on various forms of favoritism and/or political influence that have little or nothing to do with their ability to do the job. As stated by Postell (2010), â€Å"[t]he overwhelming majority of laws in this country are made not by Congress, but by administrative agencies. They execute their laws and adjudicate alleged violations of their laws through agency-employed hearing officers or administrative law judges.In this fourth branch of government, filled with unelected and unaccountable experts, all three powers of government are consolidated†. America has defaulted to an administrative state, which according to Rothkopf (2010), â€Å"has been gaining power in ways that the forefathers never imagined largely because they didnt conceive of it in their political calculus†. Administrative agencies seem to se t themselves apart from the people they are designed to serve. As a result, many of their rules, regulations, and decisions lack compassion and thus are prone to the erosion of public interest and support. In conclusion, the American administrative state needs to be reformed with the development of strategies to prevent them from having such broad legislative powers and to make them more accountable to all people. These reforms would ensure that the only burdens we suffer are those we impose on ourselves, with a government over which we, the people, finally have regained at least some control as our founding fathers intended.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Aztecs Essay Example
The Aztecs Essay Did you know that the Aztec took their human sacrifice(act of offering something to a deity in propitiation) very seriously? Why do you think the historians should emphasize on the Aztec sacrifice? Well, historians should emphasize(pay special attention to) on this topic because of the Interesting things that are practiced during the sacrifice. The three Ideas we will talk about Is how often or why the Aztec sacrifice,why are humans sacrificed,and the religious aspect. But here are their background (that were told from Document C and E). The Aztec first came from rather Mexico around sass. These people had common rivals(opponents)like the Spanish. Obviously, they had prisoners from war and the prisoners were to be sacrificed. The Aztec took care of the prisoners for a year to know each other,but why did they end up killing them? Now, this topic will get very interesting(the deeper you get in) so I believe this is why historians should emphasize on the Aztec sacrifice. Sacrifice was a huge cultural event to the Aztec people. The prisoners were taken from Etiquette and were brought to the capitol (doc C). The Aztec picked a warrior tit physical beauty who was later killed at the end of the ceremony (doc E). We will write a custom essay sample on The Aztecs specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Aztecs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Aztecs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This warrior was changed from a seasoned warrior to a god of Educational (god of war). He was treated like a family member for a long year until given up for sacrifice (doc E). He was given all of the needed necessities and more. For example food, clothes, teachers, and instructions. This man was treated like a living god. When the day of sacrifice came, a priest sliced there chest and ripped out the heart and threw it into the shrine before the gods (doc D). Then the priest rolled the bodies down the blood dated stairway (doc D). This process lasted from midday until nightfall. About 2,300 men were killed (doc D). This sacrifice was a huge cultural event for the Aztec especially the high class Aztec who got to sit back and watch this ceremony be performed (doc D figure). Human sacrifice Is the act of killing one or more human beings, usually as an offering to a deity, as part of a religious ritual. Spanish explorers and soldier who had contact with the Aztec between 151 7, when an expedition from Cuba first explored the Yucatan, and 1521, when Herman Court ©s conquered the Aztec capital of Ethnocentric, made observations of and wrote reports about the practice of human sacrifice. A wide variety of explanations and interpretations of the Aztec practice of human sacrifice have been proposed by modern scholars. Most scholars of Pre- Columbian civilization see human sacrifice among the Aztec as a part of the long cultural tradition of human sacrifice in Mesospheric. (Background Essay: The Aztec: Should Historians Emphasize Agriculture or Human Sacrifice) (Document A) The Aztec sacrificed humans Instead of animals to their gods. The Aztec priests dressed up the victims to look like a god. They treated some victims to a life of luxury and let them live as gods for a year before the sacrifice. When the sacrifice time E) Animals could not be made to look or live like gods and only human hearts were a worthy sacrifice. This gorge subject matter has sensational appeal to the masses, like modern news stories of Satan-worshippers, serial killers and murder trials, for example. If people are drawn to the subject matter by morbid curiosity, they could end up learning a lot about the Aztec history as a side benefit. So, the Aztecan sacrifice is still an important topic that the historians should emphasize so that they can dig up more of the Aztec history. Many people question or gripe(complain) why should the historians emphasize the Aztec sacrifice? . Well, not only the topic is interesting, it can prove many things for the historians for their questions. For an example, a historian was pondering(wondering) about why most of the Aztec were not killed for the sacrifice. If that historian emphasized the Aztec sacrifice, they will surely find their answers. Historians should emphasize this profound(deep,smart meaning)topic because it is a very interesting and can lead to sufficient(enough) answers.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Sorry Quotes to Help You Say Sorry Like You Mean It
Sorry Quotes to Help You Say Sorry Like You Mean It Have you ever felt so sorry that you couldnt sleep? Have you experienced extreme guilt for unknowingly hurting someone? Guilt is a strong emotion, and it can cause feelings of worthlessness, shame, and depression. The only way around it is to make amends and apologize. Alexander Pope said, To err is human; to forgive, divine. It is natural for humans to make mistakes. You cannot wipe the tears with just words. However, if the intent is sincere, and the remorse heartfelt, some wounds can be healed. Remorse should precede the apology. And the apology should be accompanied by remedial action. If you have to apologize for something and you feel the remorse from the bottom of your heart, use these sorry quotes. Monica Lewinsky And I felt sorry, and I have felt bad about what happened. Dale Carnegie Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have. Bjork Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper. Arthur Ransome Grab a chance and you wont be sorry for a might-have-been. Leon Czolgosz I am not sorry for my crime. Benjamin Disraeli Apologies only account for that which they do not alter. David Herbert Lawrence I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. April Winchell I can wholeheartedly apologize for not being at all sorry. And it really is the least I can do. Angela Merkel I feel sorry sometimes for these sportsmen and women who put in just as much effort as the footballers. For example, athletes train at least as hard as footballers but have to be happy if they can earn enough to finance a decent education. Estelle Getty If love means never having to say youre sorry, then marriage means always having to say everything twice. Wayne Newton Theres no room in my life for feeling sorry for myself. Lord Charles Beresford Very sorry cant come. Lie follows by post. Aesop We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified. Dan Heist When you realize youve made a mistake, make amends immediately. Its easier to eat crow while its still warm. Mignon McLaughlin True remorse is never just a regret over consequence; it is a regret over motive. Harriet Beecher Stowe The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone. Edgar Watson Howe You can make up a quarrel, but it will always show where it was patched. Margaret Laurence In some families, please is described as the magic word. In our house, however, it was sorry. Robert Fulghum Play fair. Dont hit people. Say youre sorry when you hurt somebody. Edward N. Westcott If Ive done anything Im sorry for, Im willing to be forgiven. Mccain Edwin The words are all gone, the times been too long but its not too late to say Im sorry to a friend. Demi Moore The things two people do to each other they remember. If they stay together, its not because they forget; its because they forgive. Claire London I have learned that sometimes sorry is not enough. Sometimes you actually have to change. Gandhi The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. H. L. Mencken Wife: one who is sorry she did it, but would undoubtedly do it again. Robert Burns Im truly sorry mans dominion has broken Natures social union. Lionel Blue ï » ¿What would I have done if Id been put to the test? Would I have risked my own life for people I hardly knew? Probably, I would have looked the other way at best or become another apologist for evil at worst.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managing Contract Risks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing Contract Risks - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that contract is a legal agreement which binds parties with the intention of performing obligations in exchange for substantial consideration which is generally done formally in writing or by verbal agreements. It is either bilateral or unilateral. The mutual assent of parties, however, gives rise to obligations between parties involved and breaches thereof are remedied by law either by payment of damages, otherwise known as monetary compensation. As an economic activity, contracts also consider the sociological, anthropological and environmental terms of the agreement. Contract moreover is described as an offer accepted by another party based on the meeting of minds and some evidence showing their mutual assents to discourage ambiguities of terms. The consideration inherent in this agreement is of value in exchange for goods and services that will be rendered or delivered. Such consideration must be sufficient on its own. A contract can be i llustrated in purchase agreements where one party delivers a thing or good in exchange for payment. Other examples can be mirrored in specific performance of services in exchange for just compensation or payment. This is evident in a contract of employment or in case of constructing facilities as in the case of hiring engineers to perform the actual construction. Generally, contracts are made if parties have the legal capacity to make a contract; the purpose is legally warranted and forms are legal; parties have the intention to create legal relations, and mutual consent is adduced. Under the law, the contract can be vitiated when one of the parties of the contract made an irreparable mistake; is legally incapacitated; if contact is exacted out of duress and undue influence; if the contract is done in unconscionability and of misrepresentation; and, contract frustrate the purpose.
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